Following is an excerpt from a press release sent by Betty Martini dated 23rd June 2007:
On June 11th, 2007, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania affirmed a lower court dismissal of Barretts defamation suite against Dr. Koren. Barretts case was so lacking in merit the judge blocked it from going to the jury. Barrett simply had no case against Dr. Koren. This followed another stunning defeat last month in California. There an appeals court ordered Barrett and crony Terry Polevoy, MD to post bonds of more than $400,000.00 after they lost a defamation case against Illena Rosenthal virtually identical to the Koren case.
Perhaps the fact that lawyers and judges in Allentown are catching on to his intimidation schemes explains why Barrett is moving to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Barrett can run but he cant hide. Chapel Hill collection attorneys are already being asked to locate his assets to pay his unmet legal obligations. Assets of other Quackwatch, Inc., principals might also be sought.
Who Is Steven Barrett, What Are Quackbusters?
Steven Barrett is an unlicensed Pennsylvania psychiatrist, who, though he failed his psychiatric boards and has been criticized for his lack of expertise by several courts, still claims to often advise the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FBI, State Attorneys General, HMOs, Consumer Reports, medical journals and state medical, chiropractic and dental boards.
The insurance industry cites Barretts highly opinionated Quackbuster attacks to deny paying claims for chiropractic and other natural healthcare.
Barrett and the Quackbusters, a vigilante group of self proclaimed skeptics of any medical or health modality that avoids drugs, surgery or radiation, attack almost all non-conventional healthcare practices as quackery. Ignoring all scientific research to the contrary, they dismiss Gulf War Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and dietary supplements as rubbish. Double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling is on their quack hit list along with many well known and respected doctors and scientists, including Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, and dozens of others.
Barrett claims to give over 500 interviews a year to newspapers, magazines, and television shows, including CNN and the Today Show. He claims to have been a peer reviewer for seven medical journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association, even though he had no license to practice medicine when he did the reviewing.
The Quackbusters run over 70 websites. Millions of people go to them every year. Look up chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy or even vitamin C, as well as almost every other natural health topic, on the Internet and you (and the public) will be led to Quackbuster sites advising you of natural health dangers. In all these forums Barrett and the Quackbusters relentlessly attack the consumer right to informed choice. These activities continue the AMAs anti-quackery committees activities that were struck down by federal courts as an illegal restraint of trade in a landmark lawsuit brought by Illinois chiropractor Chester Wilk. They also help insurance companies deny consumer reimbursement claims.
At the same time, Barrett flacks for products like aspartame (NutraSweet), which is the subject of tens of thousands of consumer complaints. Question (asked on Barretts web site): An email message is being circulated with many statements to the effect that aspartame is dangerous. How worried should I be? Answer (from Barrett): Not at all. The message is pure rubbish.
What Did Dr. Koren Do to Provoke Barretts Shakedown?
Dr. Tedd Koren is a well-known chiropractor, researcher, writer and lecturer. Barrett sued Dr. Koren in 2003 for calling him a Quackpot, saying he was in big trouble because of a racketeering law suit brought against him and attacking his lack of a medical license in his internet newsletter.
The trial judge and three appeals judges agreed unanimously that these statements were so far from defamation that no jury could be legally allowed to call them defamation. Dr. Koren also said Barrett was delicensed. One of the three appeals courts judges thought a jury might be able to find this to be defamation. However two appellate judges disagreed and jurors interviewed after the trial said they too saw through Barrett and felt that he was a litigious, ungrounded and biased denier of the truth.
In part jurors formed this view because Barrett testified with great self-satisfaction in the Koren case that he had sued many doctors-close to forty-in similar cases, demanding up to $100,000 if they wished to avoid a costly lawsuit. Some paid-how many is yet to be discovered. Drs. Koren and Rosenthal and a few others did not. Barrett has failed to win a single lawsuit in this shakedown scheme.
Dr. Korens Legal Team
Well known consumer advocate, James S. (Jim) Turner, general counsel to Koren Publications, who several years earlier had persuaded the FTC to drop an investigation against Dr. Koren (brought at a time when Barrett was a consultant to the FTC), organized and coordinated the legal team that represented Dr. Koren. Attorney Christopher Reid of Allentown, Pennsylvania acted as associate trial counsel and appellate counsel and California health freedom attorney Carlos Negrete acted as trial counsel.,
Mr. Negrete said, Fortunately for all of his colleagues, Dr. Koren decided not to back down and took the case to trial. Barrett is part of a group of intolerant individuals. I am not certain who the supporters of the so-called Quackbusters are, but they seem to me to be just skinheads with stethoscopes.
During heated and often dramatic courtroom proceedings, Mr. Negrete pointed out many of the questionable statements Barrett includes on his websites attacking chiropractic, as well as facts about Barrett's own credentials that shocked even his supporters.
Mr. Turner says, "It is very important that a very responsible judge in Barrett's hometown recognized that he was making false allegations and dismissed the case. Barrett has cost untoward numbers of consumers pain, anguish and probably serious harm by his misrepresentation of the facts about subjects ranging from acupuncture to zinc.
Mr. Turner, who among other campaigns led the team that got acupuncture needles approved as safe by FDA, worked with a Senate committee to abolish the dysfunctional vaccine regulatory agency, worked with whistleblowers to stop the Swine Flu inoculation campaign, kept aspartame off the market for ten years, and played a key role in lobbying the Organic Food Production Act through Congress (all areas on which the Foundation for Health Choice focuses), says,
Our objective is to end Barretts abuse of consumers by eliminating the false and misleading information from his website and his entire network of websites and replacing it with sound, useful information for consumers."
Says Dr. Koren, This is just the beginning. Just as the FTC battle was not about Tedd Koren alone but had ramifications for the entire chiropractic and natural health professions so the Barrett v. Koren battle will have major ramifications for all. Were going to give the Quackbusters a taste of their own medicine. Theyll learn how dangerous medicine can be.
Our mission is not just about revealing the Quackbusters to be the unscientific bigots that they are. We are fighting for health care freedom. One of our goals is to permit parents to make sound decisions about vaccination for their children. There are too many sound health reasons for certain children to avoid vaccination and the government has recognized too many vaccine caused deaths and maimings (over $1.5 billion of compensation has been paid to bereaved families by the federal vaccine injury compensation system since 1988) to allow a non-vaccinated child to be refused day care, school, college, or employment, says Dr. Koren.
Mr. Turner is also lead counsel in a case brought against Barrett by Dr. Don Harrison, the chiropractor who founded and leads Chiropractic Biophysics.
your voice counts
17 February 2016 at 7:31 pm
Excellent! Thank you for standing up!
16 July 2017 at 10:22 pm
Absolutely he is paid by drug manufacturers and insurance companies. I would also imagine him denying SSD claims too. I met an imbecile like this while being tested for RSD. 7 doctors found the diagnosis- except for the one hired by SSD. Some day these "experts" will answer.
03 March 2016 at 10:17 pm
"Dr". Barrett is immediately suspect when you take into consideration is across the board bias against anything natural. Why wouldn't the body be brought to health by the substances it's designed to run on rather than substances not found in nature? Clearly there is a profit motive for Big Pharma to limit medicine to man made things. They can't patent anything that's natural. He says alternative medicine doesn't work. My family has used it with great success for over 20 years. There was no placebo affect when you're dealing with a baby. The baby has no idea what the medicine is for. But it works!
17 March 2017 at 2:03 am
Exactly and he has lost court cases because the judge said that there was no evidence Google Stephan Barrett MD. Not good.
16 March 2016 at 10:35 pm
I am delighted to hear this! I have long considered quack watch to be a who's who in the world of alternative medicine. I am excited for the tables to be turning.
26 April 2016 at 8:59 pm
I have always suspected he was a shill for big pharma. Now, I have no doubt. Despicable.
28 April 2016 at 12:55 pm
His problem is that he cannot sign a Monsatan Protection Agreement like that Kenyan born half Luo implant of yours did. As he has to live on something, so he he found something, which brings in a large income from your pharmafia and medimafia. He cannot help it that he is not very bright. At least he is not conning you like the writers of those Nigerian letters which try to con everybody with business offers by asking the name of names of bank accounst so that they can transfer millions of $ to be shared out later. The main thing is to completely ignore his quack,quack, quack.
17 March 2017 at 2:04 am
Thank goodness people are seeing right through this man. He has no conscience.
20 June 2018 at 4:44 pm
A 'con' for 'science' lab medicine! An ignoramus of the lowest water.
25 May 2016 at 7:56 pm
Problem with what he writes is it is believed by many, thus I am having many problems in explaining to my family that I suffer from MCS. I have suffered from it for about 6 years but it is getting worse. I use no products at all with fragrances in them and have thrown problematic articles out of my home. Unfortunately because of Barratt and Quackesters all enteritis to my family, for whom I babysit, to stop using fragrances and use cleaning and personal care products that are not going to make me ill have failed. I am now faced with the choice of not going to either of my children's homes thus not seeing my grandchildren or going and coming back to my own home very ill. So I would say he is more dangerous to people like me than any Nigerian who is trying to con money, most people don't fall for the con, but many read and think that Quackesters work is true, thus making life unbearable for the likes of me.
22 March 2017 at 9:53 pm
Loook into the real medication condition that is behind your MCS symptoms... It is the lack of looking at scientific evidence and diseases that has so many people with MCS not receiving the proper help they need.
Mast cell activation disorders have been a recognized disease for over a century.
Find patent forums and you'll see how many others are "scent" and "chemical" free becuase of misbahaving mast cells in the body.
15 August 2018 at 5:53 pm
Tell your children to look up and read about UCLA's Center for East West Medicine if you want to discredit this jerk. I was treated with acupuncture there for an arrhythmia in 1996; they worked with the UCLA cardiology department and the results were amazing. I sensed something was wrong with the quack site when I found it but had to search high and low for this site. Barrett should be in jail for what he is doing.
27 May 2016 at 5:35 am
The Global Chiropractic Alliance is coming after Barrett.
18 July 2016 at 10:45 am
Thank you.
Now if only his site could be removed from the internets existence.
14 January 2017 at 10:46 pm
How can we make that happen? This is disturbing!
09 August 2016 at 7:06 am
Greetings all Health nuts and I mean that in a congenial way. I am so glad nutters like Barrett exist because i get to read all the positive stuff between the world of Big Pharma and rampant corruption in this world. Idiots like university failure Barrett just high light what nonsence people will swallow? Skinheads with Stethoscope is so true. What just because a person has a spanner or paint brush in their hand makes them a trades person?? I think not.
If you have an illness / sickness and the treatment you are on is not working move on!! Between the millions of medical minds on this planet someone every day is resolving a health issue. It is our responsibility to wisely choose who we deem fit to entrust our life to. The point is we must constantly be on guard for those that seek only to harm and have no regards for their evil while they enjoy the fruits of the evil Corps.Inc that sponsor them. That sadly is the Real World , Not Disney Land.
04 March 2018 at 7:34 pm
I have been Mercury toxic from birth and was further poisoned multiple times as an adult. I am 57 years old and have only recently connected medical events to dental events, often with in days. I was fortunate to have had the same doctors since 1989 and demanded copies of ALL my medical history.
The $4 Trillion dollar US healthcare industry controls the hearts and minds of everyone I know including family, friends, workmates, acquaintances, business associates, and DOCTORS. Big Pharma's advertising and control of educational institutions, manipulation by the healthcare insurance industry, and collusion by industry supportive FDA, CDC, etc. is on a massive scale. It is in fact the world's greatest criminal enterprise.
These people are too brain washed to think for themselves. I divorced myself from conventional medicine 4 years ago. I have test results and personal medical history to prove everything but they all thing I'm nuts. Regardless, I have a multi year plan to cleanup and repair my toxic body. I will have the last laugh; damn shame I will lose all those closest to me.
24 August 2016 at 12:40 am
Barrett just put up a negative post about chiropractic on Medscape. I left a reply with link to this article, could use backup from other supporters of chiropractic and integrative medicine. Here's the link:
25 August 2016 at 10:28 am
Thank you for bringing this to our attention Sharon, I will be sure to pass it round the team!
09 October 2016 at 8:42 pm
Thank you for your work. To tell the truth is hard. To find the truth is even harder!
11 October 2016 at 9:07 am
Thank you for your kind words Mary Jane.
All the best,
02 November 2016 at 7:05 am
Barrett and the likes of him are all going to reap what they sow. Eternal hell could very well be included as part of God's divine justice upon them. The way of the wicked is as deep darkness. They know not over what they stumble. Quote from the Word of God.
14 November 2016 at 8:23 am
Is it possible Dr Stephen Barrett is now Dr Steven Slott? Slott is a well know pro fluorider who posts on forum all over the world when he finds people are opposing fluoride. From your article Barrett is now in North Carolina and Slott is also there.
16 November 2016 at 11:59 pm
Thanks Fred, interesting thought. We'll check it out!
03 December 2016 at 10:10 pm
Leading the fight against fluoridation in Hendersonville, NC about 15 years ago, I was taken aback when the local paper printed a letter to the editor supporting fluoridation. It was written by "Dr.?" Stephen Barrett, no less. He doesn't just pick on the big guys he went after me, a nobody,
My grandson was born with a serious birth defect (neurofibromitosis) caused prenatally by fluoride, a known creator of birth defects because of its property of destroying the hydrogen bonding that olds proteins together (DNA is a protein).
All his baby teeth erupted with severe dental fluorosis and had to be capped at great expense when he was 6 because all his teeth were crumbling.
Let's go after Barrett with the court order of $400,000. It's the only way to stop him. He's been operating "Quackbusters," I understand, from his basement with help from chemical companies like Dow and Monsanto. He has little money without his corporate support.
How many other children are being harmed with Barrett's rants? ...Thanks, Dr. Koren!
16 August 2017 at 4:30 pm
DNA is not a protein.
27 June 2017 at 12:17 am
We need to counterattack those in control who are creating disease from carcinogens et cetera in our children's food that are not found in health food stores
Dr Kabisch
10 October 2017 at 11:11 am
I would love to see a list of all Barrett's sites and connected organizations. First think to resist effectively is recognition of the enemy.
The scale of "disinformation industry" is huge. But we can red flag them one by one. I bet all those big "medical" sites are all related to each other and are sponsored by only a few people like G. Soros.
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