The second round of hearings in the trial of Cape Town University emeritus professor and medical doctor Tim Noakes —aka South Africa’s ‘Banting’ expert, took place last week. Dubbed the ‘Banting for Babies’ trial, it is effectively the ‘low carb high fat’ (LCHF) diet on trial. Noakes - who took ‘Banting’ worldwide through his bestselling book ‘The Real Meal Revolution’, is being targeted by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) representing the status quo in mainstream medicine/dietetics. Such attacks on those who help spearhead revolutions is all too common. This diet revolution, alongside other similar research efforts worldwide, has the capacity to help reverse the global epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and is well underway thanks in particular to its popularity driven by the large numbers who have experienced and witnessed the benefits.
Grounds of challenge
Tim Noakes is on trial for misconduct, having purportedly offered a mother advice on Twitter regarding breast-feeding babies and weaning. A mother had asked how the Banting diet could be applied to her child, and Prof Noakes responded, “Baby doesn’t eat the dairy and cauliflower.” (Cauliflower is a staple of many Banting recipes.) “Just very healthy high fat breast milk. Key is to wean baby onto LCHF [Low carb, high fat]”. The Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA) registered its complaint with the HPCSA in February 2014. It was Claire Julsing Strydom, then president of the ADSA, in particular who felt Noakes’ advice was unsubstantiated and reckless. The case against Noakes is based, firstly, on his dietary advice of a low carb, high fat/Banting diet for a baby. Secondarily, he is being accused of giving this advice over Twitter without understanding the full case for the patient concerned.
Source: Courtesy of the Noakes Foundation
However, during last week’s hearings, it emerged that the HPCSA have been procuring secret reports, and that the charge against Noakes may now be ambiguous and prejudiced. It is speculated that there’s an organised campaign to discredit him by Big Food and Big Pharma to protect the ‘medical and dietetic dogma’ and their vested interests. It’s reported that, “What the hearing has made increasingly clear is that Noakes and the science behind LCHF are threatening careers, reputations, livelihoods, businesses and profit margins”. In addition, it seems cross examination by Noakes’ legal team, revealed that the witnesses for the prosecution were not quite the experts they were presented as, and knew little about the science behind LCHF.
This perhaps prompted the request to bring on a further witness, and the need for the trial to be postponed for the second time. The next hearing is now scheduled for February 8, 2016. Noakes believes he has a strong case for his defence, but he must now wait a further 2 months for his next day in court.
The proof is in the eating (and exercising)
The LCHF Banting diet is very popular in South Africa, and many restaurants offer menus based on the protocol. The diet aims to prevent and address insulin resistance, which is one of the root triggers for type 2 diabetes, obesity and a gaggle of other chronic diseases. Those with insulin resistance cannot metabolise carbohydrates efficiently contributing to high circulating blood sugar levels. Assuming the pancreas can still pump out insulin, high insulin levels lead to high circulating triglycerides (the storage form of fat) and, assuming the fat is not used as energy, increased fat storage. This process is exaggerated among those who have a lot of fat around their middle and don't exercise regularly.
Most people with insulin resistance respond well to a combination of caloric restriction, a drastic reduction in starchy refined carbohydrates e.g. grain-derived products and regular physical exercise. As Dr Rangan Chatterjee has just demonstrated on UK national TV, even full-blown type 2 diabetes can be reversed with diet and lifestyle interventions in just 30 days — interventions much like those espoused by Prof Tim Noakes.
Mounting evidence also reveals that certain saturated fats are no longer the demons they were once thought, and as Noakes states, if we look at evolution, the introduction of fat in the diet is when the rate of development of the human race increased markedly. On the flip side, it’s the last 40 years of the high refined carbohydrate ‘Standard American Diet’ (SAD) that has seen an exponential rise in obesity and chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and mental health disorders.
Social media – freedom to communicate
Noakes has argued publicly that Twitter is a communications tool that he is using to spread the word about what can help with the widespread issue of chronic insulin resistance. He hadn’t entered a doctor/patient relationship when he gave the advice to the mother, and the information was provided for her to further research. He argues that when new evidence comes to light, and new advice is needed, the message needs to get out to the public, as it often takes a long time to filter through a top down approach via government guidelines and large health organisations.
Social media has become an important communications portal for those of us who believe that freedom of speech is one of our civil liberties. It becomes even more so for those who are making a positive difference to people's lives. But challenging the status quo of the large corporations and intertwined governments — something we understand only too well in ANH — is never a good way to make friends in these places. For organisations such as ours, and the likes of the Noakes Foundation, social media and the Internet are the most important means we have of communicating key messages to the public. To accuse a medical doctor of entering into a doctor/patient relationship in under 140 characters seems flimsy at best — and a complete stitch up designed to sideline him at worst!
If you feel strongly about what is happening to Dr Tim Noakes, please show your support by signing this petition, and by sharing it widely.
Further reading:
Tim Noakes and legal dream team helping him survive ‘trial by ambush’ by Marika Sboros
A video interview with Dr Tim Noakes in 2012 explaining how his interest into LCHF started
South Africa’s two revolutions: challenging medical apartheid and the low fat diets
your voice counts
10 December 2015 at 11:39 am
Please support unbiased research and work for the benefit of health. There is evidence that supports what professor Noakes suggests, he should not be trialed for doing his best to improve the health of his patients.
10 December 2015 at 4:26 pm
Since reducing starches and virtually eliminating sugar from me diet, I am more energetic and feel great. Tim Blake's deserves to be knighted for having the courage to admit he was previously incorrect, and for his determination to make people think further than their noses. But I always maintain, everyone has the right to their own opinion. Eg the "flat earth" society. If the common dietary guidelines are correct, why are their patients not improving ?
Noakes rocks !
10 December 2015 at 5:27 pm
There is so much injustice in this world. It's a travesty that when someone like Prof. Tim Noakes responds to a question ion social media that he's 'jumped on' because his views do not sit well with other professionals in the field who appear to have vested interests.
17 January 2016 at 12:22 am
I'm in the UK - just set on the banting diet with my wife to regulate her blood pressure - I followed the case and the trial "tweets" from Maria Sboros.
New to this and unbiased it appears that this is a witch hunt - LCHF is not no carb just low carb.
We've been doing the diet 2 weeks as well as undertaking a dry January with no alcohol. We both feel great with lots of energy.
The bread recipes with flax - and I made my own recipe with almond flour and flax were amazing. I can tell already that this is going to change my life.
13 February 2016 at 6:47 pm
Only tonight as I read up about the banting diet / recipies etc, I was so thrilled to see the word GLUTEN FREE!! I will definitely read up more and visit our local banting item shop and see what gluten free products I can buy....for the record, advice is free and it is every persons own accountability whether to actually respond to the advice, taking into account their own situation. I remember when my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4, the advise and tips etc etc were overwhelming, however in the end my husband and I chose the route,and we walked our own path.
04 March 2016 at 2:35 pm
Is this an altruistic academic gotcha or has the BIG money already krept in? Noakes and his friends have already won. The traditionally trained dietitians have waisted their professional careers. Noakes had the courage to admit his error.
Dr. Acel Keys was wrong and cheated. The American Heart Association still sticks with his original low fat ideas. Why not when they get $1,000,000 for allowing cereal manufaturers to put a health heart check on their boxes. The ADA still allows over 200 gm. of carbs. Pass the insulin and pills.
Over 70 lobbying interests wanted input before the USDA 2015 Dietary Guidlines for Americans was released.
07 November 2016 at 10:57 pm
The whole HCLF vs LCHF debate seems very confusing and highly polarised. Perhaps you could help by explaining how Ancel Keys cheated?
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