The ‘C’ Word. Cancer – a word which strikes fear into the hearts of many because, if the media and mainstream medicine are to be believed, it’s a disease that is indiscriminate with age, social status or race. A disease, like no other, which brings us face to face with a potential early demise. A disease for which the treatment side effects can be worse, or almost worse, than the cancer itself. But what if the mainstream’s view that cancer is the result of a few damaging mutations in the genes of its victims is flawed? What if it’s actually the cell’s metabolism and energy management system that is deranged in tumour cells? And what if treatments should be altered in accordance with this revised view that has re-invigorated the nearly 100-year-old theory of Nobel laureate Otto Warburg.
In the US, ‘Metabolic Theory’ is gaining a head of scientific steam and this is the theme of Yes to Life’s conference on Saturday. Paul Davies, the Principal Investigator in the Centre for the Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology at Arizona, State University and Travis Christofferson, the American researcher and bestselling author of ‘Tripping over the Truth’, keynote the conference. They are joined by a range of experts from the UK, including Rob Verkerk PhD, ANH-Intl executive & scientific director, Dr Ndaba Mzibuko, Clinical Research Fellow at King’s College London, Patricia Daly, cancer survivor, nutritional therapist and ketogenic diet specialist, and Jane McLelland, a physiotherapist who is a cancer survivor. Dr Verkerk’s presentation will focus on the developing and emerging science behind the metabolic theory of cancer.
Through the mainstream lens
NHS Choices in the UK simply describes cancer as “a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably”. In the US, the National Cancer Institute concurs that, “cancer is a genetic disease – that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide”. As the speakers on Saturday will elucidate, there are now, many inconsistencies in this theory as emerging evidence suggests that cancer is primarily a mitochondrial metabolic disease.
Mainstream treatments (depending on the type of tumour and what stage it’s at) are generally confined to surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapies, bisphosphonates and bone marrow and stem cell transplants. On the other side of the divide where integrative medicine exists, there is a much greater interest in trying to fathom the underlying causes and triggers of cancer in a given individual. Included in such approaches is the alteration of metabolic and immune processes that are known to be associated with the development of many types of cancer.
The commercial (and political) face of cancer
As we highlighted in our guest feature, ‘Dying for a Cure’, in August this year, cancer is big business – the cash cow of Big Pharma and cancer research. And it’s not money that easily relinquished. As John Piears wrote, “…dig beneath the spin and the hype and you’ll discover that everything in the garden isn’t as rosy as it seems. It turns out that 95% of promising cancer research discoveries don’t work when they are tested in real patients. And half of those that do work are too expensive for routine use by the NHS, even though we have the fifth richest economy in the world. As if this wasn’t sad enough, the drugs that do ‘work’ often don’t work very well. A recent study found that new drugs approved for solid tumours (most cancers) between 2002 and 2014 were only expected to extend patients' lives by an average of 2.7 months compared with existing treatments. At this rate of progress it would take at least 1,778 years to get a 20-year survival improvement for all 200 types of cancer. We would need a race forever not a race for life!”
Yes to life’s conference on Saturday 19th November at Woburn House Conference Centre, London WC1H 9HQ is a world away from “a race forever”. It promises to challenge the status quo in cancer thinking in the UK and put the science before any agenda. If you’ve not booked your ticket there’s still time!
your voice counts
17 November 2016 at 7:05 am
"Its the immune system stupid" to quote WDDTY and I agree shown in the latest immunology treatments tested recently
It doesn't need a complicated explanation of why it is the immune system.
1. Pouring high sugar foods and drinks down your throat has a double whammy of poisoning your immune system and poisoning your cells. It also feeds the cancer cells as a triple whammy.
2. Eating denatured foods lacking in some of the most essential minerals such as selenium and iodine adds to the problem.
3. Lack of walking (and too much sitting) causes an oxygen deficit in the blood and cells.
4. Cutting down billions of desciduous trees (to produce meat) that are critical for converting Co2 to deliver higher levels of oxygen is a growing calamity.
5. Pouring thousand of toxic chemicals into the environment and into our bodies contribute to damaging cells and open to cancers.
Create a really healthy life plan and environment for our family and community and we have a good chance.
17 November 2016 at 9:47 am
Thank you for commenting Robert. We agree wholeheartedly!
17 November 2016 at 7:07 am
Please, also view which supports the epigenetic thinking on all autoimmune diseases.
17 November 2016 at 2:04 pm
Great, Norman, thanks so much. We'll take a look.
17 November 2016 at 4:42 pm
I will also add that it is operating in a format that - for me invalidates the information more than communicating and sharing it. This criticism also applies to the last run of the truth about cancer series - where the muzak and marketing hype speaks the mind control for the mindless.
I add that the interviewees on the TAC series are truly inspiring and dedicated people. I am not criticizing the core content.
IF - I was Mr Corporate Pharma Cartel - and I recognized that the lines of control could no longer be maintained - then I would make sure to position my agency in the vanguard of the movement - just as with any other movement - so as to subvert and co-opt it. A great double agency for a title there. I wrote them with my response. If the makes are indeed serving humanity - they may listen to feedback.
Perhaps my agent really believes their cause - all the better. Perhaps they are supporting my agenda by mimicking my methods of mind control as if that is how to 'reach the mainstream' and capture mindshare. Perhaps I no longer need to control people because they are now conditioned to do it for me - their mind is replaced.
17 November 2016 at 4:27 pm
Regardless of the treatment he was given I have a resonance with Dr Hamer's basic findings includes psychic shock - as expression a biological expression in brain and tissues associated with the nature of the shock - not merely for cancer but as a premise of disease - where what we call disease is generally the body's process of recovery and rebalancing from the clearing of the condition - and which toxicity, malnutrition and other adverse factors - play a part in the persistence of the clearing conditions as an inability to complete its function - and the composite and re-triggering of shocks that include the diagnosis of death or disabling condition, deep fears for close others and a range of other bedfellows.
The nature of psychic-emotional trauma is so central or fundamental to the human conditioning - and the structuring of our personality or ego - and therefore of our social, political and economic expressions - that it should be no surprise that conventional treatments tend to WAR on symptoms as if they are the disease rather than messengers of a healing process already underway - with which to align.
Likewise germ theory posits an enemy idea to be eliminated, vaccinated against, where such as Beschamps, Gaessner and Lanka illuminate a symbiotic capacity of the biota to produce and clear the necessary structures and functions.
The genetic field needs to embrace epigenetic factoring or it simply posits cause outside of the energetic field of the total body-mind (living reality) to engage in manipulation and struggle in a displacement mapping that distorts and filters out Living Reality.
I would also make clear that what we regard as our mind, consciousness or self is itself a result and manipulation and struggle in a displacement mapping that distorts and filters out Living Reality.
And as I said above - the social and political effect of cultural consciousness defined within a fragmented sense of a denied wholeness.
If you are with me at all the implication is that from a displacement strategy of adaptation within a mind evading terror, our maps may be inverted or reversals of the Living Reality - which cannot be mapped and defined and nor would anyone in their right mind see any call to translate the already perfect communication into forms of a manipulated reality.
The interpretation of messenger as threat of enemy is the motif of the parable of the tenant farmers who presumed mastership while the master was 'away' and killed the master's messengers. Egocentricity is usurping functions to serve a false sense of control against an unrecognized part of self scapegoated as evil and denied or killed.
It is associated as arising from scarcity and a fear of disconnection.
Though I use words to describe - the effects of and witnesses to the pattering of such a 'mind' are so pervasive as to pass off as normal and be presumed our nature and therefore the distrust of and replacement of nature with mechanical extensions of manipulative control.
It is my sense that none of us can accept what we cannot open to the belief of. Thus our outer explorations of all that serve health cannot open more than the current capacity to live be. So while false identity can inflate on ungrounded or unlived thinking that poses as belief, an uncovering of the limiting or blocking beliefs is a necessary soil into which healing modalities serve the rising of health - for we do not create life or health so much as extend or radiate and be the embodiment and expression of. The search FOR something can reinforce the belief you do not already have it. But if one takes a moment - life is not a dead concept - and you can find your cause and authority in a Living communication that synchronizes and reflects AS the particular connections or information or relationship that serves your acceptance of and extending of a Gift of living rather than a war for survival.
17 November 2016 at 6:59 pm
Brings to mind Phillip Day whose first book "Cancer, Why We're Still Dying to Know The Truth" first published 1999 and frequently updated over the years and I also remember Samuel Epstein, founder of the Cancer Prevention Coalition who was not an enthusiast for the National Cancer Institute (USA) or Cancer Research Uk (cruk as it was referred to).
18 November 2016 at 1:26 am
Very correct and few infections ,new age radiation,stress add too.
18 November 2016 at 12:10 pm
Jane someone else sent me that betrayal series just sent it to you x
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