The inaugural Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress took place over three days last week (16, 17 and 18th June). Scheduled to take place in 2020, it fell victim to the lockdowns and covid panic.

Everyone was delighted to be able to have time to meet, greet and catch up with lots of old friends but also take the opportunity to meet new people from around the globe. It was heartening to see so many mainstream doctors and healthcare professionals at the event looking for new ways in which to help their clients and patients regain their health rather than continuing with sticking plasters that no longer stick.

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, gave a keynote speech on the first day of the Congress. He took the opportunity to remind everyone of the need to move towards a different system of healthcare - one that focuses on health creation and maintenance and embraces practitioners from across the healthcare spectrum working together to provide a truly holistic and individualised service to help those wanting to become healthy and support others needing a bit of maintenance.

Meleni recorded Rob's presentation for everyone to hear a message that's becoming louder by the day, across the globe.