A damning new evidence-based report about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has just been published – and it reveals that most of the claims made by the pro-GM camp are nothing more than hot air.
Genetic engineers on genetic modification of food
This comprehensive and fascinating report, published by non-governmental organisation Earth Open Source, is entitled GMO Myths and Truths: An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops. What makes it so powerful is that two of the authors are genetic engineers – Michael Antoniou PhD, of King’s College London School of Medicine in the UK, and John Fagan PhD, a leading sustainability expert in food system, biosafety, and GMO testing, and founder/chief scientific officer of the Global Id Group.
Dispelling the GM myths
The report effectively dismisses the “far reaching claims” used as the basis for extensive promotion of GMO crops by the biotech industry, governments and government agencies and proponents of GMO technology. It reveals that the exact opposite of the pro-GM claims is true pretty much universally. Most notably, the reports shows that GMOs are associated with hazards to health and the environment – none of which comes as a surprise to those of us who have been following GMO developments closely.
Rather than representing the solution to world hunger, GMOs, according to these authors, not only fail to deal with the problem, but they also distract from its real causes: “Poverty, lack of access to food and, increasingly, lack of access to land to grow it on”.
Traditional plant breeding outperforms GM
The report provides evidence that conventional plant breeding outperforms GM crops in terms of yield, drought tolerance, disease and pest resistance – all of which confirms the findings of a 30-year study comparing organic with conventional farming methods, including GMOs. GMO-free farming is absolutely able to meet our present and future food needs, without all the risks and damage being wreaked by GMO technology!
The new report also echoes the findings of 400 scientists from 60 countries who concluded, back in 2008, that GMOs were no solution to food shortages in the developing world. This research was detailed in the UN’s International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report.
The 2008 report concluded that GM raises numerous contentious issues for developing countries, such as gene transfer, contamination of organic crops, undermining of local practices, reduced food security and unpredictable or reduced yields.
The biotech industry and government agencies must now be answerable
Opposition to GMO technology can no longer be dismissed as emotional anti-science or pseudoscience. With every uncomfortable truth and dirty trick now exposed by solid science from genetic engineers themselves, GMO food and agriculture now looks less like an impressive, modern technology, and more like a dangerous and foolhardy con trick designed to secure ownership of the world’s food supply for highly unscrupulous and unethical corporations.
Call to Action
- Select organically certified foods or others guaranteed to be free of GM ingredients
- Support the Californian ballot initiative campaign, which, if it successfully forces mandatory labelling of GM foods in California, has the potential to cause a domino effect across other states in the USA. This is critical because US citizens, without their informed consent, have become the biggest consumers of GM-containing foods anywhere in the world
- Let your elected representatives know about this new, comprehensive, evidence-based report written by genetic engineers, and express your concern about the mounting evidence of harm to human health and the environment from GMOs
- Stay informed on the GM issue, and share our stories widely. See the summary of our concerns on our Say NO to GM campaign page
your voice counts
21 June 2012 at 7:58 pm
Interesting, but how exactly is this report damning? okay it denounces buzz speak for claims about versatility and crop planting for example.. okay fair enough, but it doesn't denounce whether or not GMOs are bad. The headline and the tone of the article are a bit contrived no?
I'm one for healthy foods and for keeping in mind of other contentious issues such as does this help developing countries? But I think this is a bit of a oh someone says its not as good as XYZ said - see I told you so.. its evil type mongering.
25 June 2012 at 5:29 pm
Hi Anonymous, thanks for your comment. However, we're not sure where you're coming from. For us, this report is about as damning as they come, since it shows that virtually every claim made in favour of GM is untrue. This includes claims that GM is no different from normal crops, that it has been proven safe to eat and does not harm the environment. In other words, GM crops are changed in ways unseen in nature, may not be safe to eat and may seriously damage the environment! That seems pretty damning to us.
A summary page on the Earth Open Source website has a list of 30 key points from the report: http://earthopensource.org/index.php/news/60-why-genetically-engineered-food-is-dangerous-new-report-by-genetic-engineers. These include:
1) Genetic engineering as used in crop development is not precise or predictable and has not been shown to be safe. The technique can result in the unexpected production of toxins or allergens in food that are unlikely to be spotted in current regulatory checks.
2) GM foods have not been properly tested in humans, but the few studies that have been carried out in humans give cause for concern.
3) GM crops, including some that are already in our food and animal feed supply, have shown clear signs of toxicity in animal feeding trials – notably disturbances in liver and kidney function and immune responses.
4) No long-term toxicological testing of GMOs on animals or testing on humans is required by any regulatory agency in the world.
5) Most GM crops (over 75%) are engineered to tolerate applications of herbicides. Where such GM crops have been adopted, they have led to massive increases in herbicide use.
6) Roundup, the herbicide that over 50% of all GM crops are engineered to tolerate, is not safe or benign as has been claimed but has been found to cause malformations (birth defects), reproductive problems, DNA damage, and cancer in test animals. Human epidemiological studies have found an association between Roundup exposure and miscarriage, birth defects, neurological development problems, DNA damage, and certain types of cancer.
7) GM Bt crops have been found to have toxic effects on non-target organisms in the environment.
8) Bt toxin is not fully broken down in digestion and has been found circulating in the blood of pregnant women in Canada and in the blood supply to their foetuses.
9) GM crops are often promoted as a “vital tool in the toolbox” to feed the world’s growing population, but many experts question the contribution they could make, as they do not offer higher yields or cope better with drought than non-GM crops.
10) Conventional plant breeding, with the help of non-GM biotechnologies such as marker assisted selection, is a safer and more powerful method than GM to produce new crop varieties required to meet current and future needs of food production, especially in the face of rapid climate change.
Basically, we reckon that this report provides clear evidence that the world does not need GM, and that it causes far more problems than it solves - if, indeed, it can be said to 'solve' anything other than how to increase profits and exert a stranglehold over the global food supply. If that isn't damning, we don't know what is!
22 June 2012 at 12:49 am
I do not pretend to understand the finer points of some technical articles but I gather from a ten year old article that not only will the bugs/weeds eventually become immune to the poison without fail, (because you can't poison all the bugs in all the world) but GM will cause mutations that will bring cancer to all life forms on the planet, if I understand correctly. Chilling if true.
22 June 2012 at 4:33 pm
Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, Syngenta.
DDT, Agent Orange, Glyphosate Round-Up.
Chernobyl, Fukushima.
Common Denominator in all these is mutations caused by greed led incompetence funded by corrupt lobbying.
We are all doomed unless the dumbed down populace wake up and agree to protest albeit by passively boycotting all the products down the line.
22 June 2012 at 4:40 pm
Monsanto + Bayer + Dow + Syngenta + Chernobyl + Fukushima
The common denominator in all these names synonymous with
is Greed and Incompetence funded from politically corrupt lobbying.
Unless the deliberately dumbed down populace wake up and protest, even by passive boycotting all the products down the line,
02 August 2012 at 10:39 am
In Summary:
GMOs DO NOT give increased production.
GMOs DO NOT improve survivability in drought.
GMOs ARE NOT tested rigorously for adverse effects on humans.
GMOs ARE unpredictable in their adverse effects on humans and animals.
How much more is needed?
GMOs ARE an excellent means of monopolising food supplies and creating great profits for few industrial companies.
I'm a physicist who always wants to understand ... and open minded in assessing evidence and opinions presented. It is just like the Big-Pharma story against Natural Health - a wonderful scheme for monopoly and profit. One day the leaders may see a light - or I wish on them all the strongest results of their avarice - if that is necessary to change them. Make this 'New Chief Scientist' woman eat GMOs, to show that no ills result!
09 October 2014 at 1:19 pm
GMO products have been making the news headlines for a long time. But I am glad that the truth has got finally revealed that these GMO products are not only hazardous for the human beings who consume it but also for the environment.
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