Despite the current situation, we felt we still wanted to mark the advent of the holidays in the UK and Europe with another batch of recipes. Life has been heavy of late and having a little culinary creation time in the kitchen is much needed relaxation for us foodies in the ANH team. We know that for many, money is tight, morale low and concerns about health increasing. So these recipes all share an immune support theme, plus they're quick, simple, nutrient-dense and really tasty!
Food has always been our first medicine. It's also a powerful way to communicate information to your body to trigger the responses you desire. You can eat a similar number of calories of broccoli or ice-cream, but have completely different metabolic outcomes. Right now, developing and maintaining immune resilience - the ability to respond to pathogens, mount an appropriate defence and bounce back again to homeostasis, is pretty high on the list. Yet we are still, after nearly 5 months, not seeing any public health messaging educating citizens on how to improve and support their immune systems.
Every stage of the immune response involves nutrients: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, plant secondary metabolites or essential fatty acids... And they come from our food first and foremost, even though you can top up with dietary/food supplements if necessary. We hope these 12 recipes are a jump start to some more culinary creations of your own. Please do feel free to share. We'd love to put a recipe book together of your creations one of these days.
Here's to a happy, healthy, culinary-diverse staycation or vacation, wherever that may be!
Click on the image below to visit our shop to download the erecipe book.
your voice counts
30 July 2020 at 12:04 pm
Where are the recipes?
30 July 2020 at 5:58 pm
Hi Julie, if you click on the image of the recipe book the ebook will open in PDF form.
Kind regards
30 July 2020 at 2:14 pm
Team ANH,
Love the Recipes!! Been growing Watercress from seed and now I know how to get far more and attractively so, from my Italian Balcony garden, and the other Herbs there.
Also my own bone broth that I use as a cup of tea, cook with, and so much else, as it is filling and so healthy, Collagen etc., and I have my healthy cooked chicken meat from it too,
Thank you for this stimulating recipes esp., as it is so hot and time is limited.
Bon Appetit to you all,
30 July 2020 at 6:00 pm
Wow, that's amazing that you're able to grow watercress on your balcony Deirdre. It must taste amazing! We're so pleased you like the recipes.
All the best
01 August 2020 at 3:57 pm
Your admiration is much appreciated as I failed once before, and bought 4 packets of seed from Australia - and voila! After starting seeds on a cotton wool bed indoors - then into an oblong plastic garden container, and the right position, they just keep on producing. Had not thought of the blender/smoothie aspect - thks,, and Watercress is so very good for one, I did get over my apprehensions years ago when I read that in England its used in sandwiches'. "The Importance of Being Earnest". So easy, plenty of water once a day. VERY pleased with such inviting "Immune" recipes.
Your voice counts
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