Practitioner's toolkit package: Masterclass in functional testing & personalised products

Thank you for buying the ANH-Intl Masterclass in functional testing & personalised products. You will find our expert videos and supporting resources below.

Conference Workbook

Click on the image to download the workbook (it's big so may be a little slow!)

ANH Practitioner's Toolkit Conference recording

Umahro Cadogan

Jonathan Cohen

Robyn Puglia 

Rob Verkerk PhD


Conference follow up webinars

ANH Practitioner’s Toolkit – Webinar 1

Functional Dx Results Webinar Recording with Jonathan Cohen

Link to recording

Post-conference review of the the Functional Dx blood test results for Mr L and Ms A 

It's helpful to have your workbook for reference and to make notes.

Mr L Functional DX Summary Report

Ms A Functional DX Summary Report

Blood chemistry testing - Jonathan Cohen

ANH Practitioner’s Toolkit – Webinar 2

Mr L - CSA/P & Oat Results Webinar Recording - with Robyn Puglia

Link to recording

Post-conference review of the stool and OAT test results for Mr L

It's helpful to have your workbook for reference and to make notes.

OAT test brochure

ANH Practitioner’s Toolkit – Webinar 3

Ms A's Stool & Organic Acid Results Webinar - with Robyn Puglia 

Link to recording

Post-conference review of the stool and OAT test results for Ms A

It's helpful to have your workbook for reference and to make notes.

ANH Practitioner’s Toolkit – Webinar 4

Client protocols and supplements - with Meleni Aldridge & Rob Verkerk PhD

Link to recording:  (requires password: naturalhealth)

On the links below you will see both the protocols that they started on. You will also see the supplement suggestions sheets. We are hugely grateful to Pure Encapsulations, Wiley's Finest and Nuzest for providing the product for both clients and you will be hearing more on this element of their protocols on a webinar planned for the 22nd January. Given that both clients were very new to the concept of natural health and lifestyle interventions, we chose to begin with a 'food first' approach. Hence, their supplement programme is just beginning. Other lifestyle interventions will be introduced in the new year when there is more head space (in the case of both clients) to open to and engage with them. 

For now here's a brief summary:

Mr L

Link to Mr L's protocol

Link to Mr L's suggested supplements

Mr L has committed deeply to the protocol and has fully complied from day one. He's given up coffee, been through a pretty severe withdrawal headache, but chose to persevere and is now a herbal tea man! Water intake is better, but not ideal. He's not been hungry, has no cravings and is finding that his protocol is easy to stick to now that he's got his head around the new shopping and cooking requirements. But the best news of all is that he looks like a completely different man. He's lost over 8kg, 6 cm on hips, 2 cm on waist and 6.5 cm on chest. His body fat is down 4% yet he's maintained his muscle mass, losing only 500 g. His visceral fat is now in the normal range at 11, though could still be lower. His metabolic age has fallen 4 years and he's looking brighter, happier and much more positive about the future. He's very pleased and keen to continue and make this a change for life.

Mr L case study - One man's drug-free journey back to wellness

Ms A

Link Ms A's protocol

Link to Ms A's suggested supplements

Ms A, whilst feeling very tired still, has prioritised her sleep and has managed to get her son to take more responsibility at night. She has committed and worked really hard to make her protocol work within family meals. She already is down to two meals a day, preferring to not have breakfast and walk the dog instead. This has balanced her blood sugars and she has been surprised at how her carb cravings have disappeared and her hunger is satiated. She said that her relationship to food has changed dramatically and she no longer feels the need to comfort eat. Her aches and pains are still there but improved. As she started later than Mr L, I've not met with her in person for her physical follow-up so have no measurements to give you as yet. All in all she sounds brighter and more positive, as well as being keen to stay committed and continue. Different to Mr L, Ms A likes to understand the rationale behind the protocols and the supplements and it seems to help her compliance. 

ANH Practitioner’s Toolkit – Webinar 5

Evidence based prescribing of food supplements - with Ben Brown & Meleni Aldridge

Link to recording

Supporting notes to webinar

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:  A Personalized Integrative Medicine Approach - Benjamin I Brown ND

We review the prescriptions of our two case studies exploring how we determine appropriate food supplements, therapeutic doses, treatment duration, and potential contraindications. We also explore how to personalise our prescriptions based on factors such as medical history, clinical presentation and laboratory test results.

Specifically, we review the clinical use of magnesium, B group vitamins, vitamin D, n-acetyl cysteine, turmeric, betaine HCl and probiotics, covering the clinical science that helps inform their evidence-based use. We will also bust myths and controversies around absorption and effectiveness of various forms of herbs and nutrients.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Explore how to personalise prescriptions based on medical history, clinical presentation and laboratory test results
  • Review therapeutic doses, treatment duration, and potential contraindications
  • Critically assess myths and controversies around absorption and effectiveness.

Additional Resources


ANH-Intl Food4Health Guidelines

Food4Health Guidelines - references

Article - Fuel efficiency and the Food4Health plate

Re-thinking your food choices


Article - Re-thinking what our kids are eating

4 way plate shootout

Carb Junkie

Other useful information

Doctor's Data webinars

Nutritide NT - supplement brochure