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Week No 45 | 07/11/2024


US election insights, plus ANH Natural News (wk 45, 2024)

This week we share thoughts from the ANH-USA team, following Trump's landslide win in the US Presidential election. A win that's sending shockwaves around the globe. Whatever your opinion of the man, as a non-partisan organisation, the new administration looks to herald a very interesting time, particularly for natural health.

In our Natural News roundup you'll find:

  • NMN lawsuit victory
  • Gut bacteria & Alzheimer's
  • Why we all need sitting breaks
  • Toxic chemicals health harms
  • The latest from ANH-USA
  • Free speech and covid updates plus much, much more...

If you have any thoughts about the information we curate and share do please comment at the bottom of the article pages.

So, pull up a pew, settle in and dive deep into this week's newsletter.

In Health, Naturally

The ANH Team



Big Pharma vs. Natural Health: Who Wins After the US Election?


Are we at the dawn of a natural health renaissance? Or will Big Pharma's economic influence and pursuit of monopoly stifle natural health in the US?


ANH News Beat (week 45/2024)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week: NMN lawsuit victory; Gut bacteria & Alzheimer's; Why we all need 'sitting breaks'; Toxic chemicals health harms; Latest from ANH-USA; Free speech and covid updates plus much, much more...


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 45/2024)


Upcoming events, conferences, available courses and replays.


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)