Confused by all the information around low carb and keto diets?
That’s totally understandable. There is no firm definition for any of these carb-restricted diets and on the carb front 'low carb' can mean anything from 40% energy from carbs to less than 5%. What really matters, of course, is not just the amount of carb you're eating, what the nature of that carb is - and even more importantly, what the 60-95% of other energy you put in your body, when and how.
When you start unpicking the research and clinical studies and work out why so much of it, on the surface, seems contradictory, you'll find an interesting story. One that has the power - without any use of drugs or surgery - to deal with the biggest crisis we currently face in healthcare: preventable metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, most heart disease and some cancers.
But, you heard it: no drugs. Because there's no industry set to benefit - it's a tough marketing proposition. It's just the people - the citizens - that are set to benefit.
Governments, public health officials and medics just aren't asking people to find out if, like so many people, they're refined carb intolerant. For people who are, a sensible low carb plan is the way to go and the goal should be to develop metabolic flexibility, meaning you have the ability to readily burn fat for energy in the absence of carbs.
At the Get Well Show in Olympia this year, Rob Verkerk PhD spoke for 45 minutes on our evolutionary eating plan that’s created around our Food4Health guide and designed to build your metabolic flexibility.
His talk was entitled: "The low-carb evolutionary eating plan to prevent diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s".
You'll find an extract from it below.
If you'd like to watch Rob's full 45 minute presentation, please click here, with thanks for your nominal donation to support our fundraising efforts.
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