The following is the text of the report submitted to accompany the presentation of the Irish Health Trade Association and the Irish Association of Health Stores to the Joint Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health of the Irish Dail.

Presentation by:

the Irish Health Trade Association


the Irish Association of Health Stores

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EU Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC)

Presentation to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

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Compiled by Brod Kearon BSc (President, I.A.H.S)

Presented by:

Mr. Martin Forde BA, ND, DO (I.H.T.A.)

Ms. Erica Murray, BSocSc (I.A.H.S.)

Dr. Robert Verkerk BSc, MSc, DIC (Scientific Advisor)

June 2003

The EU Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC).

Transposition into National law due July 2003.


This Directive is due to be transposed into Irish law by 31st July 2003. The final text of the Directive was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the 12th July 2002.

This is a combined presentation by the Irish Health Trade Association (IHTA) and the Irish Association of Health Stores (IAHS) to illustrate the impact that this directive will have on the industry as well as on the consumer