Source - BBC News

Malnutrition fear over patients

Hospital patient - generic

Concern is growing over the number of malnourished hospital patients
About two million hospital patients across the UK are suffering from malnutrition, a Scottish dietician has warned.

Professor Rosemary Richardson, of South Glasgow University Hospitals, said nutritional management must be addressed to prevent an epidemic.

The condition is said to affect six in every 10 patients and about half of those in care or residential homes.

Many elderly people in Scotland are said to suffer from malnutrition.

A new healthcare group, Patients 1st in Nutrition, is being launched on Monday to address the problem.

It is due to unveil a new nutritional sip-feed, Fortsip Bottle, which is designed to be easier for elderly or infirm patients to use.

The fight against malnutrition in at-risk groups needs to step up a pace

Dr Carl Dunford
Patients 1st
Comprising health chiefs and patient groups, Patients 1st will aim to increase awareness of the dangers of malnutrition.

It is estimated that


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