A Referendum for Natural Remedies

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Your signature is of vital importance!

Every year millions of people die from chronic diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Thousands of clinical and scientific studies have shown that natural remedies (including vitamin therapies) can prevent the occurrence of these diseases.

Whilst you are reading this, laws are being introduced at national and European level intended to ban information on many natural health remedies and their uses. And all this is being done under the guise of the “protection of public health.”

Are you prepared to let this happen?

We want to guarantee free access to scientifically based natural health remedies for everybody by working together with you to demand the holding of a European ‘Referendum for Natural Remedies.'

We want to obtain no less than one million signatures!
Support us by collecting more signatures.

Dr. Rath Health Foundation
Muzenstraat 89
2511 WB Den Haag
The Netherlands