The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) have this week published an article entitled ‘Vitamins: its dose that does it’, in which they state that "thousands upon thousands of nutritional research studies provide evidence that vitamins do help prevent and treat serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease, when the nutrients are supplied in sufficiently high doses. High doses are required. Low doses fail".
According to cardiologist Thomas Levy MD, "the three most important considerations in effective vitamin C therapy are dose, dose, and dose. If you don't take enough, you won't get the desired effects".
To illustrate the point that dose affects outcome, described as a cornerstone of medical science, the OMNS article points out that "any physician, nurse, or parent knows that a dose of antibiotics that is one tenth, or one-hundredth, of the known effective dose will not work". It appears that this premise is just not accepted in vitamin therapy!
The ISOM experts claim that permission for use of high doses of vitamin C, by researchers, is routinely and deliberately denied by universities, ethics and pharmacy committees, which renders studies almost useless. The denial is often in the name of safety, and yet the only people likely to be harmed by high levels of vitamin C, OMNS state, are the pharmaceutical industry!
The ISOM experts, like so many others who do not automatically believe everything they read in the newspapers, have also noticed that there is a spin on the media reporting on vitamin research. They too, like a growing number of those among us, are trying to ‘join the dots’, and are asking who stands to gain most from the marginalisation and derision of vitamin therapy in the mainstream media. Funnily enough they are thinking along the same lines we are, by asking: "Could it possibly be the media's huge advertising-cash providers, the pharmaceutical industry?".
To find out more about the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, click here.
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