The whaling ban, that for 24 years has offered a semblance of protection for these wonderful sentient mammals, has recently been under threat.  Proposals from pro-whaling countries to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to overturn it and make commercial whale slaughter legal again have been intensifying in recent months and looked set to go through unchallenged.  Thanks to a massive global online campaign launched by Avaaz prior to the IWC meeting in Agadir, Morocco (21-25 June 2010)—the largest whale-saving petition to date—the ban has been upheld. Persistent lobbying by environmentalists and the united voices of 1.2 million people worldwide were heard and people-power prevailed. This isn’t the end of the story (whale slaughter is still being committed under the guise of ‘scientific research’) but it is a hugely positive step in the right direction. 

Whilst this campaign may not fit directly into our core campaigns, we mention it here to demonstrate just how powerful we can all be when we unite with one voice. Together we have the power to turn the juggernaut of corporate and government interest towards a more sustainable and environmental future. The anti-whaling campaign proves how much can be achieved when we work together as one global movement. 

Petitions combined with positive action and targeted at specific events or times of legislative change can be very effective. The anti-whaling petition was delivered at the meeting in Agadir to Australian Environment minister, Peter Garrett, who said “… I believe the people of the world’s voices need to be heard”.  So powerful was the petition, and the sentiment, that it was covered on the BBC’s world news and delegates couldn’t ignore the huge real-time billboard counter as it recorded the additional signatures flying in. 

This is not only a victory for whales, but for people-power too and we need to use this positive forward momentum to lobby for further change in areas that need it – like healthcare. We have left our petition against the European Union’s proposed unfair restrictions on vitamin and mineral levels open so that more of you can have your voice heard. If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to sign the petition and send it out to as many of your contacts as you can. 

Making permanent change takes persistence and a commitment to creating a different future. The juggernaut of corporate and government control is large and has built up a head of steam.  But with your support we can reach the tipping point.  Please take action in whatever way you can.


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