An horrific 'invention'
Never mind the disease, reading this alone is likely to make your skin crawl. For those that haven’t heard of Morgellons disease before, it is a disease that for many years was considered to have been invented by those who suffered from it and as a consequence they were treated with antipsychotics.
In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US listed the symptoms of the disease as including “crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads [red, blue, black and white], fibers, or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin, and/or skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). In addition to skin manifestations, some sufferers also report fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes in visions.” However, they still described it as an “unexplained dermopathy (also called Morgellons)”.
The disease was brought to the public’s attention in 2001 by Mary Leitao who created a web site describing the illness in her young son. In 2002 she founded the Morgellons Research Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness and research funding for this poorly understood illness.
In January 2008 the CDC held a national media telebriefing announcing their efforts to launch a study on the unexplained illness, and in December 2008 issued a letter to medical associations. Under the slightly inappropriate heading “Updates – New” there is a Preliminary Report, dated November 2009, that fails to give anybody any useful information. Apart from these, there is nothing on their website to show they have released anything since.
Agrobacterium and Morgellons
This has to be frustrating for sufferers and those close to anyone that suffers from the disease, after all there had already been some interesting developments in research carried out by Vitaly Citovsky. His research found the pathogen Agrobacterium in all of his Morgellons sufferers and not in any of the control subjects. Just so that we are all clear: Agrobacterium “is capable of genetically transforming not only plants, but also other eukaryotic species, including human cells”, and is used in the production of some genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Clearly under the watchful eye of the skeptics, in 2007 Citovsky asked Morgellons Watch, a site for skeptical analysis and discussion by Morgellons investigators, to post a note saying that his observations did “not imply that Agrobacterium causes Morgellons or that Morgellons is indeed an infectious disease. However, it does encourage future studies to determine (i) statistical significance of our data, (ii) whether or not Agrobacterium is not only present extracellularly, but also causes genetic transformation of the infected tissues, and (iii) whether or not infection of laboratory animals with Agrobacterium can recreate at least some symptoms of Morgellons.”
Where's the research?
Citovsky's study may have been a small one, but as GMOs are being pushed – correction, shoved – upon us, doesn’t this warrant more research? Until Citovsky and his team made this connection, the genetic engineering community had assumed that Agrobacterium did not infect animal cells, and certainly would not transfer genes into them. Surely, in the interest of public health, this screams for more urgent attention.
The information available today is limited and does not provide an answer to what the causative agent of Morgellons could be. Looking at institutes that are researching it, research seems to be (very) quietly ongoing, or perhaps has ground to a halt. The most recent article that can be found talks about the symptoms and allows a few people to tell their personal, sometimes spine-tinglingly horrifying stories.
Wikipedia mentions that, after Citovsky found a link between Morgellons and Agorbacterium, “Dr. Randy Wymore from Oklahoma State University repeated the Agrobacterium study in 2010 and did not find DNA evidence from agrobacterium on any Morgellons patients.” It goes on to say that “Dr. Randy Wymore stated this at a 2010 "New Morgellons Order" Conference in Austin, TX.” We have looked for this study and are unable to find it. However, the New Morgellons Order does exist, as there is another conference being held this year.
Why, more prevarication!
Dr. Randy Wymore is the Volunteer Director of the studies on Morgollens at Oklahoma State University and released a statement in July 2009. The statement concentrates on the symptoms, what he proposes to do and excuses as to why he hasn’t produced anything yet. He also talks in an interview, and only once does he mention the word ‘cause’. He again prevaricates on the symptoms, and the fact that the sufferers have always been thought of as psychotic.
He thankfully does comment that, as a population, the Morgellon sufferers have been treated poorly, and to finish off the interview he says that they need to be “diagnostically evaluated, take part in research and treated with respect”. Agreed, they probably would appreciate an evaluation of their debilitating disease and some respect, but if it were us, we’d want to know the ‘why’ so that we could stop it ever re-occurring.
Hunting treatments, not prevention
Interestingly, the page on the Centre for Health Sciences does report on Dr. Wymore “hunting for the cause of the odd disease”, but still we get the impression the underlying aim is to find out how to treat it rather than how to prevent it. Another perfect example of the mainstream healthcare system losing its way and approaching it from the wrong angle.
Blog sites show postings from as early as 2006 of people believing that this is an attempt of Big Pharma to make us sick with GM food so that they can provide us with the medicine to cure it, and there are also postings citing an article written in Reuters in 2001 that starts to make a tenuous link between plant bacteria (Agrobacterium) and human health.
Monsanto has a track record of putting profit before public health. There was the infamous Agent Orange herbicide, blamed for widespread health problems during its use, the company operated a plant making polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and more recently it has been criticized for its herbicide Roundup and development of Roundup-Ready seed varieties.
So, do you really trust that the Agrobacterium used to produce GMOs has been rigorously tested and proven safe for our consumption?
ANH homepage
your voice counts
27 January 2011 at 11:22 pm
I would be interested to know how many cases of morgellons have been diagnosed in Europeans that have not visited the U.S.A or anywhere that uses GM foods.
01 February 2011 at 7:49 pm
To The Editor
Your most recent email including the paragraph about Dr Randy Wymore uses the word "procrastination" several times where the word "prevarication" seems to be more appropriate.
"Procrastinate" means to put off or delay;
"prevaricate" means to lie.
Just for info.....
Best regards
M Crisp
01 February 2011 at 7:49 pm
To The Editor
Your most recent email including the paragraph about Dr Randy Wymore uses the word "procrastination" several times where the word "prevarication" seems to be more appropriate.
"Procrastinate" means to put off or delay;
"prevaricate" means to lie.
Just for info.....
Best regards
M Crisp
02 February 2011 at 5:52 pm
M Crisp...we totally agree and changed the word!
25 February 2011 at 10:14 am
I speak to people from the UK often who have morgellons,people from Italy,and Russia.
We are doing a study to find the cause and the cure both.
21 April 2011 at 10:20 pm
There are some excellent videos on You Tube showing artifacts obtained from the skin of Morgellons victims. Many of the artifacts are much more ominous than fibers: folding hexagonal packages with names and numbers on them and quantum dots indicating nanotechnology, which is also being pushed by the USA government along with GMO foods. Farmers in India harvesting GE cotton by hand are also developing itching skin lesions. Given the CDC's long history with Chronic Fatique patients (who were also told they were crazy) and Thimerisol I wouldn't hold by breath waiting for any truth from the government. There are many people in my community with Morgellons.
18 June 2011 at 11:12 pm
Appreciate you information. I have a friend that is infected with this horrible disease Morgellons and I am helping her search for answers.
I would like to make one correction on the above information: Round-Up is not a pesticide it is a herbicide. There is a very big difference. Pesticides kill insects herbisides kill weeds, grasses, and vegetation.
20 June 2011 at 11:11 am
Thank you for pointing out the mistake Maria, it has been corrected!
14 October 2011 at 7:25 pm
The corporation who created aspartame (don't know who that is) created a multitude of illnesses from this neurotoxin including restless leg syndrome. I suffered for over a year and the doctors could not figure it out, just give me a prescription of course. My son did a report on aspartame and told me how dangerous it was and if i stopped it my leg problems would probably improve. Within one week of stopping aspartame I was back to normal. So the thought of a corporation making people sick due to GMF is certainly believable in my book. I would not be surprised if they profited from this disease. We need to wake up and take back our country from these corporations. Occupy Wallstreeet!!!
27 December 2011 at 9:39 pm
So at the moment aren't there any pest controls to treat the crops that are contaminated and reach on our table? I find it hard to believe that with all the technology we have we're still struggling with this problem.
12 October 2012 at 7:52 pm
I address this topic in detail in my book "Beyond Mental Illness" due to be published in 2012. A free preview from a section of chapter 5, "Perilous Symbioses" is available to help California voters decide about prop 37, the label GMO initiative.
31 August 2013 at 2:13 am
Vitaly Citovsky should know because he is the worlds leading authority on Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer. I've been studying this for a very long time and the only plausable explanation for morgellons is that it is the human manifestation of Crown Gall disease. Agrobacterium causes crown gall in plants. It is opportunistic and usually needs another infection to lower the immune system enough to become symptomatic, very often Lyme disease precedes Morgellons.
Dr. Wymore and his colleagues at the Charles Holman Foundation know this I'm fairly certain but for whatever reason choose to suppress it, the government?
Unfortunately there is a large collection of conspiracy theorists, Morgellons sufferers with serious morgellons induced psychiatric issues, Oportunists and government plants putting out such a vast array of misinformation that the conclusion is for a lot of people that the MD community is nuts.
The GM proponents want to keep it this way.
21 October 2013 at 3:55 am
I'm British, and live in London. I retired last year from my job as a mini-cab driver (I'm 70 years old).
At a guess, I'd say I have had Morgellons for probably seven years (I may come across something that will better narrow the time down).
I became aware of it when I got infected with head lice. I had been infected before, and had previously managed to get rid of them with just vodka (though I had once used a dangerous toxic substance which, though it worked, stung like crazy - I won't say what it was, in case someone tries it - it really is toxic, though I did not realise that at the time).
It soon became apparent that the vodka was not effective; I then started using all the proprietary products, right up to malathion.
NOTHING worked, no matter what I tried. I was at my wits end, and scoured the internet.
I then came up with the 'NitFree Comb' (a really good item it is, too) and Aroma Therapy. Now I had never tried aromatherapy; I had heard of it, but didn't have a clue what it was.
There were quite a few 'recipes' for head lice, and I searched for the one that seemed most effective. A 50/50 Tea Tree and Cinnamon leaf seemed to have the best kill-rate of the 'recipes' (there were 'efficacy' charts online. I elected to use alcohol as a carrier (vodka again, as it's colourless and non-sticky) and from info I gathered, alcohol was most effective.
Instead of the low number of drops of each, I went for overkill, and used 25 drops of each essential oil (Tea tree & Cinnamon leaf)in about 60 ml. alcohol. It stung a bit, but to my amazement, two or three applications and the bugs were gone! The mixture is brilliant, though I would recommend you don't go over 15 drops of each, at least at first. If it doesn't work, then up the concentration.
Now, Morgellons! When combing out the lice and nits, I started to notice strange 'fuzz balls' of fibres, which looked like bugs (but not like lice, which I clearly identiiified). I also found the coloured fibres, so back to the internet. I had never heard of Morgellons, but when I found some sites, I realised that was what I had.
I am lucky, insofar as the only lesions I had were on my scalp, though I did itch elsewhere.
I have a number of the symptoms, especially intense fatigue, weakness, problems sleeping.
I found Vitaly Citovsky's work, and the Bt cotton agrobacterium link (he soon stopped work on Morgy); and interesting bit on the end of his 2007 note to Morgellons Watch, mentioned in the article above, was 'These are the immediate goals which may or may not be pursued, depending on the available research funding which is currently non-existent for Morgellons.' I don't know why that was not included, because it is the key to why this disease hasn't been clearly identified: no funding! I know organisations have done limited work on it, but now the kind where Universities will take the issue on board, and get to the bottom of it.
I am aware that many cases of Morgy have been associated with head lice; I don't know if there is any link, or if in the combing out of nits the other issues, like fibres, are found.
But then, many cases have body lesions, irrespective of head lice.
Personally, I have opted for Vitaly Citovsky's link with agrobacterium and Bt cotton. I have seen posts on other sites where cotton underwear etc. have been put forward as a cause, but I have a much better theory - cotton-seed oil! This is widely used, especially in fast-food outlets. I would suggest to all sufferers of Morgellons to avoid cotton-seed oil (and 'vegetable oil' - if the oil does not state clearly what kind of vegetable oil it is, it can legally contain cotton-seed oil.
GMO Bt cotton is widely grown in the US (and I believe most of the cases in the US seem to be in the Cotton Belt - where cotton seed oil is likely to be very widely used); Bt cotton is also widely grown in India (which is how I believe I got it - via tinned Indian food, which I was very partial to, and one of the tinned products actually listed 'cotton seed oil' on the label), though there is still the head-lice link, which I don't understand.
I notice the last posts on here were in 2008; I hope the site is not dormant!
09 May 2015 at 9:01 pm
you don't have to visit America to eat gm food. its everywhere! Organic food is the only food its not allowed! mind you who knows where gm seeds will blow? G.M. foods should never have been allowed. I believe we are doomed and its too late and probably not possible to stop it now! Thanks Monsanto! How do you sleep at night?
Morgellons victim.
27 May 2015 at 12:37 pm
I read that electro magnetism kills the neuro network within the fibers. Have you had your body zapped with electromagnetic pulses. I wonder if holding onto an electric horse fence would rid yourself of it.
13 June 2015 at 10:08 pm
Maria, FYI: while it is true that Roundup is considered a herbicide (commonly known as a weedkiller), a herbicide is also a type of pesticide:
"The term pesticide includes all of the following: herbicide, insecticide, insect growth regulator, nematicide, termiticide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, predacide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, antimicrobial, fungicide, disinfectant (antimicrobial), and sanitizer."
...and defined as "any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, or controlling any pest, including vectors of human or animal disease, unwanted species of plants or animals, [...] The term includes substances intended for use as a plant growth regulator, defoliant, desiccant, or agent for thinning fruit or preventing the premature fall of fruit. Also used as substances applied to crops either before or after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and transport." []
16 June 2017 at 12:08 am
ALOHA, I have had Morgellons for 27 years, since 1990 when I worked for the University of Hawaii, Hilo, culturing agrobacterium for treating the xanthemonas, that caused the Anthurium blight. The more I researched, the worse it looked. I have cleared my skin with epsom salt baths, and dragons blood extract (croton lecheri).Unfortunately, that's not the end of it. If there are any studies I can participate in , PLEASE let me know, marcia lapham
02 September 2017 at 12:17 pm
Agrobacterium can infect human cells under laboratory conditions. We published it in a peer-reviewed study in PNAS. Yet, there is not evidence that Agrobacterium is pathogenic to humans. In addition, the way GMO plants are produced leaves virtually no bacterial sequences in the plant, making it impossible to even imagine a causative link between Agrobacterium used to make a GMO plant and any effects this plant can have.
17 August 2022 at 11:47 pm
My whole entire body is infected I can't get any help no doctor will believe me they keep telling me it's in my head. I I have pictures but nobody will look they don't want to look I could prove it be on a doubt but I can't take this no more nobody believes me. My eyes have never shown me anything else that wasn't true why just this I can't take this anymore it's consuming my whole life I'm going to get fired for my job and I can't stand something crawling around inside of me no more
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