UK Government decision to fluoridate against public will
by the ANH team
A UK High Court Judge has said that fluoridation decisions rest with Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs), not residents. After the disappointing Judgement in the case against South Central SHA brought by Southampton resident Geraldine Milner, it has now emerged that Southampton residents and their children may be intended guinea pigs for research into the harmful effects of water fluoridation.
The High Court Judgement has now ruled that it is "not the law that fluoridation can only occur when a majority of the local population agree". UK Government policy over water fluoridation schemes had earlier made clear that residents would be given the final say, rather than an unelected SHA. The final regulation passed into law was changed to fly in the face of this policy, meaning that the Government has reneged on that promise. The public consultation had revealed that as many as 72% of residents were opposed to the scheme, and those residents are feeling deeply let down. Ms Milner is now lodging an application to appeal, and is determined to continue her fight.
UKCAF's 'Freedom of Information' request
In a worrying development, the UK Councils Against Fluoridation (UKCAF) group have revealed that they have received a letter from the Department of Health (DoH) in reponse to a 'Freedom of Information' request. This was about Government expenditure on fluoridation research, and the DoH reply is reported to have said: "We are also supporting a major current research project into the extent and severity of dental fluorosis for which costs are estimated at some £700,000. . . a new fluoridation scheme would provide an excellent opportunity to undertake prospective research and we are keeping closely in touch with developments on the proposed scheme for Southampton"....
Does this mean that Southampton residents are intended guinea pigs in a UK Government study on fluoride?
Mansfield evidence calls for urgent halt to fluoridation schemes!
Since this case was brought to Judicial Review, key evidence has come to light of fluoride overexposure in the UK. A recent analysis by Dr Peter Mansfield, of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, has concluded that fluoride exposure in the UK, from all sources, is much higher than has been estimated, and that fluoridated drinking water results in excessive consumption of fluoride for most of the population. It calls for an urgent surveillance program in the fluoridated West Midlands, to monitor adverse health effects, and stresses that, until this has occurred and the results analysed, no further fluoridation schemes should be started. We trust that the South Central SHA was listening, and has heard this urgent call!
More caution over water fluoridation schemes
In addition, the policies of other countries are changing! In early January, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its proposal to lower the level of fluoride per litre of water from the current recommended range of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams to 0.7 milligrams and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to initiate review of the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water.
Following the news last August, that the official policy of the Green Party of Canada was to ban all artificial water fluoridation, it was recently announced that Calgary City Council had voted to eliminate fluoride entirely from the city's drinking water.
EC Committee believes water fluoridation is crude and rather ineffective
The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) is critically reviewing fluoride and fluoridation chemicals following repeated questions from Irish and UK MEPs. The committee’s preliminary opinion has already stated that water fluoridation is "a crude and rather ineffective form of systemic fluoride treatment to prevent dental caries without a detectable threshold for dental and bone damage".
Apart from in the UK, and Ireland, European Member States no longer deliberately add fluoride to the background levels already present in municipal water. Basel, Switzerland ended water fluoridation in 2003, after 40 years. Both the incidence of dental fluorosis and the incidence of childrens’ cavities increased during that period!
Plans to abolish SHAs
We understand that the new UK Government plans to abolish the South Central Strategic Health authority, and that the responsibilities for fluoridation will be transferred.
We would be deeply concerned should any UK authority respond to the Judgement for the Milner case by ignoring the key developments mentioned here, and by beginning to authorise and force this dangerous, unnecessary and illegal medication upon its unwilling citizens, and above all— on the vulnerable, sick, and the very young. These latter groups may especially suffer from the resulting fluoride overexposure.
We would like to know more about this apparent major research project on dental fluorosis which is being reported by UKCAF . And we trust that this will not involve Southampton residents and their children.
See also:
VOICE OF IRISH CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (VOICE) comment on the UK High Court decision: Pyrrhic UK court victory exposes fatal flaws in water fluoridation.
Earlier ANH-Intl news items:
Fluoride Judicial Review reveals inconsistency between UK Gov policy and regulation
US Govt’s lower fluoride levels will still expose children to risks
See ANH Review: EFSA—are you trying to poison us?
ANH Clean Drinking Water campaign
your voice counts
John Ivens
23 February 2011 at 4:37 pm
So the UK Government has got £700,000 to throw around in a "Study" on the effects of ingested fluoride? Are they completely incompetent?
A word in the ear of any competent Toxicologist not in bed with the Big Pharmas would save them £700,000
Don't they ask themselves why the whole of Continental Europe has rejected Fluoridation? Isn't it against EU Law to medicate Public water supplies? Has no one in Government heard of the Fluoride Action Network?
There they will find 50 listed reasons not to fluoridate, one of which should end any controversy, says that cancer rates in fluoridated areas are TWICE those elsewhere.
Fluoridation causes cancers. Why should anyone try to dispute this? End of debate. £700,000 of Taxpayers' hard earned money not frivolously spent on a Quango extravaganza.
I thought Cameron vowed to slash Quangos?
Any Water Supply which has Fluoride added, also includes Arsenic, Lead and Mercury in the package. The 3 most dangerous Toxins which will inevitably cause cancers.
It also causes brittle bones,dementia, and thyroid problems. These are known facts.It is also a known fact that ingesting fluoride does nothing for children's teeth except cause severe fluorosis in up to 50% of children in fluoridated areas.
Fluoride is now permitted as a food additive.
[WHY? It is also a Rat Poison]
It is in many bottled waters. Added all together it is clear that the so-called "Safe" level is being seriously breached. As many Doctors have stated, there is no safe level of Mercury ingested or injected. The same applies to Arsenic and Lead.Neither is there any control on how much fluoridated water an individual child drinks or consumes in food, or swallows as toothpaste--read the tube about seeking medical aid IMMEDIATELY, if swallowed.It's OK to drink apparently but not to swallow. Yet the concentrations are the same.
The thing is, if a child swallows fluoride and then dies, there is a direct link. If it's in the water, who will say what killed the child?
This "Study" could be compared with a "Study" to prove whether those killed in a road accident was the result of the impact in the accident.That's how idiotic it is.
No one NEEDS to ingest Mercury, Arsenic and Lead. It's a no-brainer, but not to our Government apparently.It could literally be a no-brainer as fluoride crosses the blood-brain barrier causing dementia.
There are strong vested interests wanting to continue to dispose of their toxic waste scraped off industrial chimney linings--yes, that's fluoride. If they are forced to use Toxic Waste Dumps the costs are huge, so the Mellon Institute in the US 70 years ago who had plenty of Fluoride to dispose of from aluminium smelting, persuaded some "Scientists" to come up with some bogus science which said drinking fluoride would mean less cavities for children.
Now they sell the stuff, with suitable "incentives" to Local Authorities to poison their water supplies. I say "Incentives" because nobody in their right mind would ever advocate this, once they had read the evidence.I use the word "poison" because all the toxins mentioned are on the Poisons List, and not one is registered as a nutritional food, or medication. Yet it is being used to "medicate" The fact that it doesn't work is not the point.
After the Forestry Fiasco, we have further evidence of the crass stupidity, within this Cabinet.Are they all on Fluoride?
Has no MP watched Chris Bryson's excellent expose on the real reasons for fluoridation? "The Fluoride Deception".Are they not aware that the entire staff of the Environmental Protection Agency in the US totalling many 1000s, who are responsible for investigating whether fluoridation is effective and safe, demanded en bloc that it should be discontinued after they had researched the effects? They were ignored. Another Agenda?
Of course, there is a possible alternative Agenda. Along with Vaccinations which are absolutely proven to be worthless but definitely KILL, Fluoridation is continuing to poison 6 million in England [note Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland Authorities have more sense] to assist in the WHO's stated intention to kill off 3000 million people by 2021.
I put this to Environment Minister Caroline Spelman. No surprise that she ignored my evidence and my comments, having replied once to say that Vaccines are safe. [Not effective please note.]
That's 43% of the World Population. The NWO is going for 90%, described by Henry Kissinger as "Useless Eaters".
These are the people determining our futures, and the people had better wake up to it.
They should be besieging their local MP's Surgery with the facts, and demanding fluoridation and vaccination cease forthwith.
The Labour Government's decision to fluoridate in 2003 was based on a Study they commissioned from the University of York in 2000.
"The York Review". It was subsequently proved that the evidence submitted had been fraudulently tampered with, and was therefore invalid, yet it was continually quoted to me by the Department of Health, who then stopped reading my emails.
It was solely on this Report that MPs voted for fluoridation, and it appears that few if any bothered to research all the available evidence against fluoridation on the Internet.
Cameron says he is listening. If that was true he would quash the
decision by the Committee to fluoridate in Southampton against the wishes of the overall majority, who are aware of the severe dangers of fluoride. Ensuring double as many cancers continue to occur in fluoridated areas, and increasing the number of areas covered by fluoridated water supplies, tells us all this Government's real Agenda.
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