By Fleur EJ Churchill BA(Hons)
Seventh Wave Supplements is a positive business, a people business; we help our customers feel better, naturally. We love what we do, and our company is built on strong core values of quality, integrity and an exceptional customer experience.
But our customers are unhappy, very unhappy. And they are angry and confused.
On Friday 15th June 2011, the final stock of our GMP assured, organic, additive free, whole herb Milk Thistle was depleted. This was the second of our herbs (the first being Cat’s Claw), to be decimated indirectly by the EU’s Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD). Ten more are to follow in the coming weeks and months. Yet more are at risk in the longer term, but we will fight to protect them.
This directive is unjustifiably compromising our business. It’s a European juggernaut steaming through our beloved brand, and there is nothing we can do.
We had sold our herbal medicines exempted from licensing under an exemption for manufactured products that had existed since 1968. But this exemption got consigned to the scrap heap the day the THMPD was fully implemented, on 1st May 2011. To avoid a revolution in the streets, the UK medicines regulator, the Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), allows a “sell through” of stock bought before 30th April. This “sell through” means we can carry on selling granted this previous exemption under UK law, either up until stock runs out or until the use by date is up.
Industry predicted around a 2-year use by period for most products which sounds all well and rosy, but it’s not. Our products have a shorter shelf life than some, being additive free. Also our stock investment was very limited by budget, and we had no way of predicting demand.
We certainly weren’t rabbits in the headlights. This directive has been firmly on the agenda for a long time now. But the reality of it actually hitting home was much harder than we anticipated.
Seventh Wave's Milk Thistle: the company's second product to be lost by the THMPD
Financial and Emotional Repercussions
Turning away custom has obvious and very real financial implications. We have many thousands of customers around the World, some only use certain herbals. In the blink of an eye, we have nothing to offer such single product customers, it is devastating. And growth is stifled; it is a long time since we looked to bring any new herbal supplements onto our range.
There are also more subtle economic effects - our entrepreneurial spirit is subsumed as we work our way through this legislative tangle, staff need to be trained on the legalities, and phone lines are kept very busy handling explanations of the issues. We are of course happy to discuss the matter at length, our accountants however probably take a different view. We are fortunate that the affected herbals only make up a section of our business, so there will be no job losses for the time being. We know other companies will not be so fortunate, especially on the manufacturing side.
But more than that, it is extremely distressing to say the least, that our customer experience has been dramatically altered. We like nothing more than conversing and engaging with our customers. But these days, we have had to come to accept that negative interaction, is part of what we do because of the THMPD.
Customers are having to suspend disbelief as we explain the situation. They are incredulous. They feel their human rights are being totally compromised. And they are very upset. We have even had one elderly lady say she has felt suicidal at the loss of the herbs that keep her healthy – that’s the sad reality of this legislation. We are dismayed to our very core that our treasured customers should be subjected to this.
It is a European Directive gone stark raving mad if you ask us
Company morale is inevitably dented – it’s hard to pack the normal energy and enthusiasm into conversation on such a disheartening issue. We should be sending out our usual health tips and articles, but much of the information we currently disseminate is dominated by this legislation.
We’ve always wanted to be a force for change for good in our industry. This directive means that when it comes to botanical herbs at least, we cannot fulfil our mission, a very sorry situation indeed.
There really is no way of knowing how this impacts on the Seventh Wave brand as a whole. We know marketing experts would tell us not to engage in the politics and negativity, and not to make such a song and dance about it. And we are certainly not political creatures. But how can we not have our voice heard? Morally, we feel we have an obligation to ourselves, our customers and whilst some might consider it hyperbole, the country at large.
Is This About Safety and Quality?
This Directive purports to protect consumer safety. It does nothing of the sort. In the short term, it is causing consumers extreme stress and upset. In the long term, in our opinion, nothing less than the health of the nation is at stake. It is a truly backward step for health and wellbeing.
Customers will be forced to buy from outside the EU in many cases (a ludicrous situation in the current economic climate). They may no longer have the assurance of, for example, good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards. Some may resort to growing their own where possible; but garden centres aren’t noted for providing contraindications or correct dosage on seedlings. The burden on the NHS will be worsened as more minor self-limiting ailments present at GP surgeries. More and more safe, gentle and effective herbs will simply disappear from the market. And those herbs that do remain are starting to look more like processed junk foods in terms of their ingredients.
We’re not talking about unknown, dangerous “black market” quantities here. But instead, thousands of years of collective wisdom; plants that have been enjoyed throughout history, and, overall, with an impeccable safety record, one that surpasses food itself by a long way. ALL people should have access to this vital knowledge if they so choose, not some watered down or manipulated version. And all consumers should be able to choose the brand and quality they prefer. A tiny selection from an oligopoly marketplace is simply not right.
Isn’t freedom of choice an absolute fundamental in this country, or did we miss something?
We are all for improving standards. We already meet and exceed the requirements of a vast amount of legislation. Firm but fair regulation absolutely has its place. And it is true to say there are supplement companies that do need to be brought up to a decent standard – there is already considerable national legislation in place to do so if it was enforced and policed properly. But this EU directive is just not fit for the purpose it was intended.
Some argue that the registration process means that certain herbs will have the official stamp of approval, and must therefore be better. Not so. These are unprecedented times. We are rapidly moving to a situation where mediocre products will totally dominate the marketplace. Even a cursory glance at the successful registrations reveals an unbelievable plethora of additives, fillers and binders. These are in many cases toxic substances that we feel have absolutely no place in the human body.
So its hello to the wonderful pharma-controlled world of herbal medicine. And their marketing machine is already full steam ahead with celebrity GP endorsed websites and the like. But if these are the so-called “consistent safety and quality standards” the governing bodies set their hat on, we’ll pass thank you.
We’re proud to say we would NEVER put our herbs in synthetic polymers, detergents and preservatives. We would never add fancy colours. And we would certainly never extract with acetone, better known as nail polish remover. Why would we? And why do they?
“Additive free, naturally” (always pure and never ever synthetic) is what we do. How can it possibly be justified that herbs (typically extracts, not wonderful, full spectrum, whole herbs) packed with additives in a synthetic base get the seal of approval, yet ours, the best of the best, have been ushered out, purely because our pockets aren’t deep enough? And that would be £1.4 million deep enough or thereabouts for the initially affected herbs on our range, and that’s just for UK registration and does not apply Europe wide. You can add much, much more for the marketing budget required to justify that. We don’t consider ourselves minnows in the industry, but we are small fish in a very big, very aggressive pond. Those sorts of figures are completely out of reach for us, and the majority.
Cat's Claw, the first botanical supplement to be lost from Seventh Wave's product listing
Stringent manufacturing guidelines, clear dosage instructions and advice on contraindications, as required by the THMPD, can be put in place and verified to an exceptionally high standard (and base line cost) without paying an additional £120,000 token fee per product, for the privilege and a little logo on your label. We already do so!
A final word on this aspect, how can it be right that high quality, traditional herbs used safely throughout history are removed from the market and yet there is a myriad of man made, highly questionable substances flowing unregulated though our food chain; GM produce, aspartame, synthetic (fattening) fat substitutes, pesticides and the like. Need we go on?
A Quick Word on Efficacy
This directive in fact requires little to no data regarding efficacy. Traditional use is enough (as long as it’s from the EU of course – it is astonishing that many long standing herbals of China, India and the Amazon for example are automatically barred on the ‘15-year rule’). So those that attack herbal medicine and support this directive do themselves no favours on this count. It certainly doesn’t encourage investment in more clinical trials and studies. Whichever camp you reside in, how can that be a good thing?
Unfair Competition
Healthy competition can be one of the best ways of ensuring quality and innovation that ultimately works in the interest of the consumer.
Indeed, there is supposed to be protection from unfair trading here in the UK. Not when it comes to herbals. We are waving goodbye to healthy competition. If your budget doesn’t stretch, you’re out, no matter the quality standard or effectiveness of your product. This EU Directive, contrary to what we’re told by its protagonists over and over again, has absolutely nothing to do with quality. We couldn’t raise our quality any higher – again we emphasise that we are GMP certified, with full traceability from seed to factory, organic (although we have had to forgo the cost of our own organic marketing license due to this directive), whole herb and additive free. This Directive is about creating a regime that works for a few, and locks out most in the cold. It’s ultimately about money and control — and little else.
Do we sound angry? Well, yes, frankly we are
It would be just as ludicrous to force lets say, oh, pick an industry, we’ll go with ice cream for the sake of argument, and making manufacturers pay £120,000 to the Government simply to register their ice cream. And that would be for each and every flavour. That’s on top of the VAT, taxes, and ongoing costs and substantive requirements associated with GMP and food hygiene standards. The small farms and innovative artisan producers would be forced out in favour of the massive food cartels who pack their ice cream with additives and colours.
Supporters of the THMPD legislation would might say this is a ridiculous example, we say it’s not. The fact is it only becomes ridiculous when you look at it objectively and you’re not a beneficiary of it. Traditional herbs have formed part of our diet around the world for thousands of years. Applying a pharmaceutical methodology of regulation to them simply doesn’t work in practice. Certainly herbs do have very healthy properties, even dare we say, medicinal in some cases, but then so does all (real) food. Would the supporters of this legislation tolerate all foods being regulated in this same fashion and being controlled by a very powerful few? We think not.
Big business and corporate control wins the day here, certainly not the consumer or British business. We and many other wonderful, innovative companies we know of are suffering, and for the wrong reasons. Common sense has gone out of the window. And make no mistake, the British economy is being damaged.
The Consumer Loses Out Financially Too
For want of a better phrase, there are a handful of big companies “cornering the market”. So you’d think these THMPD registered herbs would be cost effective and consumer friendly, think again.
The vast majority of the registered herbs are not yet being actively marketed. But there are some shocking RRPs to be found in those that are. We ourselves are not the cheapest company, that’s because our quality is as good as it gets, and we manufacture without additives in slow, short production runs. But we have already seen a 60 capsule pack of a commonplace herb at £24.95 – we find that staggering for a mass production run. Many others are at nearly twice our typical retail price on herbals.
Seventh Wave's vitality is becoming less accessible to consumers
Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets now… will these pricing structures be changed when the registration costs have been recouped? We sincerely doubt it. And there is no extra value in these premium prices – it is top dollar pricing for what we think are typically very mediocre products.
That’s a big slice of the herbal pie for a very select few. And the consumer pays a heavy price. Did we mention that a good proportion of the registrations are from pharmaceutical owned supplement or phytopharmaceutical companies?
Almost Final Thoughts
Allopathic medicine does not have all the answers. Nor does herbal/natural medicine. But there are wonderful things in both fields. Doesn’t everyone want good health for as many people as possible? Should we not be bringing the best of both worlds together for the benefit of all, not bringing an industry with a lot to offer to its knees, and handing it over to a select few in the name of profit? Onesize fits all legislation is not the way forward, what we need is intelligent progress not bureaucratic nonsense.
But It’s Not Over Yet
The only bright light we can see at the moment is that this is not over yet. We are proud to support the Alliance for Natural Health International, the only organisation bringing real credibility to this battle for human health. We will be outside the High Court when this matter gets its first legal challenge. We hope you will too.
Seventh Wave Supplements - Additive Free, Naturally
Read our on-site article and list of herbals currently affected
your voice counts
21 July 2011 at 2:05 pm
This is a really wonderful article , as a supplement user I would like to add my anger and fear of the possibilities that the supplements that I use daily will eventually be banned.I would like to thank seventh wave supplements for taking the time to raise these very valid points I would also like to thank the ANH for publishing them on their site. I think the E.U, has a lot to answer for:- freedom for the people what a joke!!!!
21 July 2011 at 3:07 pm
"This “sell through” means we can carry on selling granted this previous exemption under UK law, either up until stock runs out or until the use by date is up."
Can you explain what you mean when you say products can still be sold until the use by date is up? Does this mean manufacturers can still make products?
21 July 2011 at 3:30 pm
There's nothing stopping manufacturers making industrially manufactured, unregistered herbal medicines, there's just a block on them being sold, unless the very specific conditions of the MHRA's agreed sell through are met! The "sell through" only applies to product stock purchased by a retailer before the 30th April 2011. Retailers need to be able to prove this purchase from the manufacturer or wholesaler and may be asked to provide an invoice. So, if a retailer has bought their stock of unregistered herbal medicines before 30th April 2011, s/he can carry on selling these products until either they reach their expiry date, or until stock runs out, whichever is first. Bottom line: retailers are not legally allowed to re-stock after 30th April 2011. It's a way of delaying the pain, not actually resolving it. Hope this clarifies.
21 July 2011 at 3:55 pm
A longstanding loophole in the licensing system has been closed.
This establishes a level playing field and <i>all</i> suppliers, allopathic or complementary, are expected to be able to demonstrate that their products are actually safe and effective.
I fail to see why demonstrable safety and efficacy is bad for the consumer. It's the absolute minimum requirement that should be met before selling any medicine.
21 July 2011 at 5:30 pm
To be mildly pedantic, it wasn't a loophole in a licensing system. There was no licensing for these types of product, hence them being referred to as unregistered herbal medicines. These s12(2) products had an exemplary safety record. The very small number of products that didn't weren't ones that met the requirements under s12(2). They were illegal then, and there is no real reason why illegal sale and supply won't continue.
As for a level playing field, you could call it such if you mean that all products have to conform to the same requirements to get access to the THR scheme. But it's not level if you look at the differential impact this new playing field has on different categories of product. You would have had to ignore a lot of arguments we and others have put forward to not see that the hurdle posed by the eligibility and technical requirements of THMPD are dramatically different for different actors. They are not only a much bigger burden for say TCM and Ayurvedic products, they are, in many cases, a complete obstacle. We summarise key reasons for this in our open letter to Commissioner Dalli from whom we are expecting a reply by the end of the month. See:
As for demonstrating safety and efficacy, you are wrong on this. THMPD requires demonstration of quality, and demonstrating a particular type of quality (particularly stability of particular active constituents) tells you nothing about safety. In fact, some THR products rely on indications and contraindications that are based on traditional, water-based methods of preparation, yet the industrial THR versions, in some cases, rely on modern, solvent-based methods of extraction, or super-critical extraction, which yield very different phytochemical profiles. In addition and again to correct your likely misunderstanding, THR products don't need to demonstrate efficacy via clinical evidence, they rely instead on evidence of traditional use alone.
Most experienced herbalists or phytotherapists we work with in different parts of Europe are far from impressed with the types of product gaining registration and would not use or recommend the majority given concerns — wait for it — over either their safety or efficacy. Strange isn't it, that this is exactly why you think they're so good! The question is: are you a herbalist with the experience to make such a judgment? [this is not a rhetorical question]
21 July 2011 at 7:14 pm
Having suffered from deep depression and alcoholism for 10 years and having gone through ALL Western allopathic forms of treatment, they all failed to make me any better, ONLY when i went to TCM herbs did my problems get permanent resolution in only a few months. I am absolutely horrified at the prospect that the herbs that keep me well will somehow be illegal, it's utterly absurd in a world where to the best of my knowledge herbs have seriously hurt no-one yet we have pharmaceudical drugs that are openly killing tens of millions of people annually, but these are legal, these are safe ? In my view we need stronger legislation for sure on herbals but the focus should be on the pharmaceudical drugs, which only suppress symptoms and do not get to the root cause of disease like herbals do. I truly hope the Alliance for Natural Health can talk some sense into the bureaucrats in the EU.
And great article seventh wave, i have used your supplements and they are of the highest quality.
21 July 2011 at 10:33 pm
An excellent article.. thank you for it, and your continuing fight against these restrictions.
I have used herbal & homeopathic remedies for more than 40 years for myself, children, grandchildren, pets (and now even my elderly parents are beginning to listen and ask for advice on more natural & gentler ways to maintain health. They are of the generation who have unfortunately believed that doctors were some sort of divine beings whose every suggestion should be followed & pills swallowed, but are sadly now suffering the consequences so common nowadays with the side effects of multi prescriptions for pharmaceutical drugs that are handed out to the elderly.)
These regulations are taking away our freedom to choose how we take responsibility for our health in what I regard as a far safer and more effective way, by using herbal medicines to treat the root causes of disease rather than using pharmaceutical drugs to mask symptoms risking driving disease to a deeper level.
Here's hoping that sense will prevail.
22 July 2011 at 2:47 pm
Before pharmaceutical companies existed people were treated by the local herbalist. This led in some cases to modern medicines being derived from plants as their efficacy was apparent. New potential treatments are still being discovered from plant sources.
How many artificially produced remedies have had horrendous side effects?
I am a mature adult who at 67 is in rude good health. Is this in spite of taking herbal remedies for the last eleven years or because I take them. Does the almighty EU know? If they have the answer I would love to hear it.
Give me the freedom to choose what I know is beneficial to me.
22 July 2011 at 6:34 pm
If this EU directive is about protecting the consumer's health from 'Potential' harm, then perhaps this simple question MUST be asked :-
Why are some herbal supplements being banned, whilst Tobacco, a KNOWN Carcinogen (A fact that ALL EU GOVERNMENTS AGREE ON ) is not?
If consumers are allowed the choice to smoke or not, the same choice should apply to herbal supplements.
There can be no plausible answer that does not agree with this, without a hidden financial agenda.
22 July 2011 at 8:26 pm
An excellent article. Many thanks to Seventh Wave Supplements for their raising of these extremely important issues. I feel that my anger and incredulity must be shared by many other users of their excellent products. For me their products have been a lifeline and I have no idea what will now happen to my health without them. I am devastated that so essential a product as Milk Thistle has disappeared. The point of this medication as a liver de-toxifier was on account of it not containing the contaminants of other suppliers. Where can we go now?
If someone can please tell me how I can lobby/petition to re-instate this product and others, I will do all in my power to help change this situation.
23 July 2011 at 3:06 pm
Brilliant article well done. We are all living in a dictatorship led by the EU, what right do these EU beauracrats have to dictate to us what we can or cannot put into our bodies, I came into this world with freedom of choice and this is gradually being eroded by the EU, we need to get the hell outa there!!! I sometimes use Valerian but of course the EU & big pharma would probably like it better if I was on their Valium and helped keep their big profits up!!! \Grrr!!!
25 July 2011 at 9:54 pm
The way to get around this ban is to go to your local Herbalist. They still have access to all herbs. An initial consultation will be needed to check for any health problems, then you can be supplied with the herbs that you want on agreement from the herbalist and stock up on repeats prescriptions as needed. For trained Medical herbalists see or Also they can't stop us growing the herbs!
26 July 2011 at 8:57 pm
I agree with the coments above and would just like to say that this "Directive" should be ignored, it would be impossible to enforce it if we all just refuse to comply wouldn't it? Europe is on the verge of financial collapse so they will have bigger things to worry about than a few plants.
26 July 2011 at 11:00 pm
The EU is an illegal organisation, corrupt and unelected...why are we obeying it?
The laws in the Bill of Rights of 1689 make clear this country CANNOT be ruled by ANY foreign power: “No foreign Prince, person, Prelate, State, or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superiority, Pre eminence, or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm.”
They also added two codicils at the end of the Bill of Rights “Any amendments to the bill after the 23 October 1689 shall be void and not lawful, and this bill is for all time”.
Why has no one challenged this gross injustice? Come on SeventhWave...please be the first because try as i might, i cannot get politicians to obey the Magna Carta, that is why we are suffering in this country.
Time we all stood together and changed it.
26 July 2011 at 11:12 pm
Some people knew for some time now that the World Goverment want to reduce the population from 6 million to only 6000. Promoting dead food and banning healthy food (raw milk for example) and natural supplements will produce very malnourished population and soon illnesses and death will follow. Vaccinations, water fluoridation, GM food and Chemtrails (droping dangerous chemicals in to atmosfere)are just some of the horrid experiments done on the masses of people round the World.
Banning the herbs however was the biggest mistake that they have made. People are waking up and starting to see the big scam that was sold to us and seeking the truth no matter what. If we do not get our herbs back and some basic libertys that we have lost there will be a revolution. The sick elite will pay for all the crimes that they commited ones we unite and brake free from this modern slavery system. Chemical holocaust designed by them will stop as the fraud facts are finely reaching big numbers of people. ''Evil can only thrive when good people do nothing''.
29 July 2011 at 4:21 pm
We first arrived at devils claw as a treatment for the arthritic pain being suffered by our old dog. It seemed to provide relief without the side-effects of prescribed medication. When my wife began to suffer with rheumatoid arthritis we looked more closely at the claims made for devils claw and found that it is a herb that has been associated with relief of arthritis for hundreds of years. We are aware that many medicine's are developed from plant extracts. Also that clinical trials were limited and the level of benefit uncertain. We decided to try a course of devils claw and carried out a review of available sources. The pharmaceutical products provided quantified amounts of certain extracts. Seventh Wave provided the natural herb but could not of course quantify the composition of each capsule. It was our opinion that the benefit derived from taking a pure sample of the herb from Seventh Wave could be more beneficial than the limited extracts and possibly toxic fillers of the pharmaceutical offerings. Now EU regulations have removed that freedom of choice and the only beneficiary is big business. Let's combine our individual human rights into a big business to oppose this infringement of our freedom to choose.
01 August 2011 at 2:38 am
Is it still legal to import herbs for personal use, not for resale, from outside the EU? Can customs sieze imports? Will they sieze imports of herbs in powdered extract form?
If anybody can answer this question i would be grateful as would many other people as i can not find an answer to this question and as an ex herbal retailer i have many past customers ask me this.
Thank you
04 August 2011 at 11:36 am
Hi Dave, good question and unfortunately not one with a clear answer! You are right that the 'direct-to-consumer' (DTC) route is still outside of the current EU laws regulating food supplements and licensed medicines. This will remain a significant way in which people can continue to access products that may have been removed from the market by over zealous national regulators. The downside is that it will usually cost the consumer more and there still remain provisions that allow border controls and national regulators to confiscate products on the basis that they may be deemed unlicensed drugs or products that the regulator deems may present a public health risk. Powdered herbs and starting materials are outside the scope of the THMPD and so may be purchased DTC, notwithstanding the fact that border controls and national regulators can intercept movement of such goods at their discretion.
11 September 2011 at 9:09 pm
Fantastic article. I am new to selling whole natural extracts and was hoping it could become my long term job. This level of control is just disgusting.
09 October 2011 at 4:39 pm
Considering the fact that we the British people have never voted for any of the fascist dictators in Brussels, we have NO obligation whatsoever to take any notice of the rules that are imposed on us from Brussels. The British government is guilty of high treason in forcing us to obey the laws imposed on us by foreign powers. We all need to stand up to this tyranny and flatly REFUSE to obey any of the draconian EU laws that threaten our human rights and civil liberties. It's high time we had a revolution in the UK, just like those in the Middle East.
06 June 2013 at 8:01 pm
Reading your article it seems to me you have not understood the basic underlying cause for hampering and controlling and blocking the alternative/natural medicine field. The reason put in one short word is
The global psychopatic elite simply wants 90% of us dead, that's why!
06 November 2013 at 1:23 pm
I feel strongly against this medicinal bill that prevents trustworthy home growers of herbal products from selling their products without registration. I have been using the Milk Thistle for my head ache for a long time and it works wonderfully. Hope they can keep producing it and sell it to me.
20 January 2014 at 6:32 pm
Hi Willyam, thanks for your comment. We should just clarify that the THMPD specifically covers manufactured herbal medicines, intended for over-the-counter sale in places like health food stores and pharmacies, and designed for systematic relief of minor, self-limiting conditions that don’t require practitioner oversight. As you can see, this is a relatively narrow range of products and excludes home growers who may be using or selling herbs as raw materials. It’s a different story once the raw herbs are processed in any way, however: this includes extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation.
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