Dr Robert Verkerk briefs Truth Juice campaigners
Governments who support fluoridation always seem surprised when they find the public are not happy having a waste product of the fertilizer industry put into their drinking water. Especially when they know that governments who sanction this ‘public health measure’ know full well that it harms young children, the very group it’s intended to help.
At the Truth Juice meeting in Birmingham earlier this week, to which Rob Verkerk (ANH-Intl’s executive and scientific director) was asked to present, a fired-up audience discovered a fact that was hard to swallow. The European Commission was informed by one of its own committees, that drinking water fluoridation would likely cause any child under 6 who consumed over a litre of water to exceed the EU’s safe level if they also used fluoridated toothpaste. If they were to use non-fluoridated toothpaste, they would still exceed it if they consumed just half a litre more, a typical amount if you take into account cooking needs.
The meeting was also supported by West Midlands Against Fluoride - (WMAF) and water quality campaigner Joy Warren, who represent many angry residents, who have vowed to pull the plug on fluoridated water.
Rob Verkerk’s short video commentary
Check out Rob’s short video commentary on the issue and then get involved in any way you think will make a difference. Please help to get this poison out of the water supply.
Anti-fluoridation petitions defended successfully in the European Parliament
Meanwhile, two petitions which were set up to call for an investigation and a health impact assessment (published in 2011 as the SCHER opinion) respectively over the addition of fluoride to Irish and UK drinking water have been successfully defended again in the European Parliament. This means they can remain ‘open’, awaiting further response from the European Commission, which signals some hope for affected Irish and UK citizens. Anti-fluoridation campaigner Robert Pocock submitted the Irish petition in July 2007.
Irish campaign pressure continues
Pocock takes issue with the fact that hydrofluorosilicic acid is unauthorised in the EU, and is calling for enforcement of the 'infringed' Directives by the Commission. He says "The prime and sole reason for adding fluorosilicates is the medicinal reason of preventing dental caries and the key infringment in the EU, as backed up by copious case law, is of the Medicinal Products Directive which we want the Commission to take urgent action on". The Irish and UK regulators use the excuse for the non-regulation of fluorosilicates as medicinal products that fluoridated water is 'a food'. However, the Food Fortification Regulation(1925/2006) does not permit fluorosilicates either, since they are not on the positive list of permitted food additives (or supplements either) and therefore prohibited for ingestion.
The majority of the Irish population resides in fluoridated communities. Young children easily exceed the fluoride upper limit by drinking less than half a litre of water daily, and are at risk of dental and bone fluorosis.
After losing a three-year battle, angry residents in Southampton, UK, have been told to expect fluoridation of their water supply too, despite increasing evidence of the dangers of the practice.
Further information and campaigns
ANH-Europe Clean Drinking Water campaign
West Midlands Against Fluoridation
your voice counts
27 April 2012 at 8:09 pm
It would be worth promoting the excellent documentary style book "the Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson to anyone concerned about fluoride or even anyone who does not understand the issues but who has been "hypnotised" into believing fluoride in drinking water is a good idea. It is a factual account of how fluoridation "got off the ground" and the message - a mixture of flawed science and corrupt shenanigans behind the scenes of, predominantly, the aluminium industry - is pretty scary. Well worth reading and a real eye-opener but not that easy to procure in the UK. It took Amazon a couple of months at least to procure the copy I ordered. Recommended reading for compiling factual data for arguing the case.
27 April 2012 at 9:34 pm
What I love about this is the way the new cult of sKeptical Scientism - the pharma-inspired main opponent of our natural health - tells us that toxins like sodium flouride (& mercury) can be rendered miraculously harmless, even good for you, by the simple laying-on-of-hands by an authoritative Dentist.
I am hoping that selected ratified Dentists will soon be able to transform base metals into gold; it will help the economy no end.
I understand that the flouride/floride compounds dumped in drinking water are toxic products not only of the phosphate industry but also from aluminium/aluminum production. Water flouridation - toxic dumping into the human population - saves them a fortune in toxic waste disposal costs.
As American cities are waking up to the false (and expensive) science of flouridation, they are stopping the mass-medication of their water, and the companies that need to get rid of flourdide waste are looking at new markets like England to do their dumping.
There's loads of information to be found on the web, from
(Note the the Codex Alimentarius agenda, versus the Helsinki accords.)
http://www.naturalnews.com/001807_fluoride_fluoridation.html (and links)
to, say
and of course, the skeptic-infested WikiPedia, which tells us that, er, flouridation is safe & effective according to (selective) Science.
(Wikipedia really desperately needs more educated alt-med people to learn how it operates, to combat the baleful influence of the pseudo-Skeptic movement ensconced there, vigorously defending what they see are their patch! Strangely, WP doesn't have a section on illegal mass-medication...)
Mary Wedel
28 April 2012 at 3:26 pm
This links you to a recent comprehensive safety assessment of water fluoridation by a Declan Waugh, Irish Environmental Scientist. Needless to say the conclusions are damning!
01 May 2012 at 7:11 am
It's time to retire fluoridation because it doesn't work, wastes money and is harmful to health. Topical application may help, but drinking it to prevent tooth decay is like drinking sunscreen to prevent sunburn. People should not be forced to consume a drug against their will.
Read the truth produced in the best scientific information on fluoridation at Dr. Paul Connett's
site (www.fluoridealert.org).
You will see a petition signed by over 4000 professionals, including hundreds of dentists, hundreds of doctors, and other medical researchers calling on governments everywhere to stop fluoridation.
There are many large scientific studies referenced there to show that drinking fluoridated water has no positive effect on cavity reduction and to show that it causes cancer, thyroid damage, broken hips from brittle bones, lowered IQ, kidney disease and other health problems.
28 July 2013 at 5:29 pm
How stuff works recently released a podcast about water fluoridation in the united states. Needless to say the researches were very disturbed by what they found. The opened the podcast by saying it maybe one of the greatest scientific scams perpetrated against the general public. Can be found on the itunes store - stuff you should know - Is fluoride making us stupid?
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