Beetroot lowers systolic blood pressure

A new study has shown that daily consumption of beetroot juice may significantly reduce systolic blood pressure (BP) in overweight older people. The study, published in Nutrition Research, showed that just three weeks supplementation led to a reduction of systolic BP of 1.3mmHg. 24 participants were randomised to either have beetroot juice concentrate or blackcurrant juice with a 1-week post supplementation phase (week 4). The results showed that beetroot juice concentrate supplementation was associated with beneficial effects on daily systolic BP, however the benefits ceased if consumption stopped and were only seen if the blood pressure was measured at home, and not when 24hr ambulatory monitoring (ABMP) was used. Beetroot juice contains naturally occurring nitrates, which then convert into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is the body’s vasodilator that optimises circulation to every cell in the body, hence its effect on lowering blood pressure.  This study adds to growing evidence that the nitrates in beetroot have significant health benefits.

New European Commissioner to look at GM rules

Vytenis Andiukaitis, the European Commissioner-elect for health and food safety, has echoed the Commission’s president-elect, Jean-Claude Juncker, saying he intends to review the rules on GM crop cultivation as the “current rules create conflict because the opinions of the member states are ignored”. He also said “Biological diversity in Europe is great and interfering with the balance of our ecosystems could be very harmful … the cultivation of GMOs is Europe is a huge problem from a philosohical point of view.” The Greens/European Free Alliance support the appointment of Andiukaitis and his pledge, but are concerned that some of the wording of the brief may be “shorthand for scaling back existing EU standards and regulations.”

New movie, Bought, looks at the truth behind vaccines, GMOs and Big Pharma

Jeff Hays film, Bought, comes out on the 10th October 2014 and gives a fly-on-the-wall insight into vaccines, GMOs, falsified documents, bribery and more. It questions the rise in chronic disease, especially in children, and the tragic human cost that families face when devastated by unsafe drugs, vaccines, food and the inescapable endless medical bills. Award-winning film maker, Jeff Hays, and his crew spent 12 months travelling over the US collecting exclusive information from whistleblowers, former drug representatives and university scientists, amongst many others. The film aims to expose the truth behind the US healthcare system and encourages you to take back your (and your children's) health. The film will only be available for viewing until the 21st November.

US parents losing rights over sick children

Parental rights suffer a further blow in the US. A recent report exposes the recent experiences of two Phoenix sisters, a ten and a twelve year old, who suffer from a congenital mitochondrial disorder. It's been reported that Phoenix Children's Hospital took custody of Kayla and Hannah Diegal through Child Protection Services after their mother became concerned about the care they were receiving at the Special Needs Clinic. She had requested transfer of the children to another doctor after beginning to suspect the girls were participating in unsolicited drug trials taking place on children with similar disorders. The trials had commenced three weeks before custody was transferred to the state, which then removed the need for parental permission. Since the children have been removed from the care of their parents it would appear that their health has suffered to a considerable extent. Efforts made by the parents and a health worker to highlight concerns have apparently resulted in threats, removal of visitation rights and a move to terminate parental rights. A recent update revealed that the mother has now been forbidden from speaking publicly about her children's care.


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