A revolution is happening in health care. Health care providers, even in the mainstream medical sector, are appreciating that engaging a person in his or her own health management is absolutely key to good outcomes. This is especially so as the decisions we make in terms of what we eat, how we move and how we spend our free time have such an important bearing on our long-term health.
We are also seeing recognition that the primary role of a health professional should be as a guide, rather than a dictator, of our health management. More and more data about our health are becoming available and these can be very empowering to an individual. Of course, there is the controversial issue of who has the right of access to our health data; should we, for example, have exclusive access to our own data — or should it be available to governments or private entities like Google if they believe they can use to for our benefit (and presumably other purposes too)?
We would be delighted if you would take the time (approx. 5 minutes) to answer our survey (through Survey Monkey®) Please share this message and the survey link (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NFH9BZD) as widely as you can among your friends and contacts to help increase the reach. The survey will close on 31 May 2016. Your combined responses will help to both inform you and us as to how we, as a health-aware community, feel about various issues around self-care and health empowerment. We will let you know the results in due course. The results will also provide us with important information that we can take to policy makers and elected representatives as part of our mission to increase the adoption of natural health by the public and health professionals alike.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rob Verkerk PhD
Founder, executive and scientific director, ANH International
your voice counts
06 May 2016 at 1:05 am
Finally got the survey up. As usual, a lot doesn't apply to me. The last time I tried to visit the doctor who diagnosed me with a couple of syndromes that don't fit in test tubes, he was unavailable and I was as usual leaving the area and unable to make a time for when he was back. I saw one of his colleagues, was abused in front of a trainee, and got absolutely no support for my condition. He also abused my doctor, the only one who has ever understood my condition (that I've met), although his treatment still was no help, again in front of the trainee and said all my previous doctor's diagnoses were wrong. He did not examine me, he admitted only 1/2 my records had come across from the previous practice (kept me waiting over 1/2 an hour while I panicked about about parking inspectors) and told me HE was a taxpayer, and a much peer-reviewed published writer. It is any wonder I don't see any of the usual bunnies who don't live in my rubbish body from one year's end to the next???
Your voice counts
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