Glyphosate renewal “inappropriate” and “unacceptable”
Leading members of the European Parliament have recently expressed their concerns surrounding the European Commission’s plan to relicense the hazardous chemical glyphosate, commenting that the decision was “inappropriate” and “unacceptable”. This comes after the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer re-classified the chemical as “probably carcinogenic to humans” last year. The chemical is now becoming ubiquitous in our food and environment, and has even show up in breast milk! Get clued up on which foods are most likely to contain glyphosate to help reduce your exposure.
TTIP documents leaked
On Monday Greenpeace Netherlands disclosed documents from the talks over a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The documents, Greenpeace said, showed that “American trade negotiators had pressed their European counterparts to loosen important environmental and consumer protections, along with other provisions.” However, American and European trade officials insisted that the documents “merely represented negotiating positions, and that the criticisms were off base.” The documents are available on the Greenpeace TTIP leaks website.
Glyphosate oatmeal anyone?
A man from Brooklyn, USA, is suing Quaker Oats for $5 million damages. The company owned by PepsiCo claims its popular breakfast food to be “100% natural”, however the hazardous chemical glyphosate plays a massive role in its production. Not only is the substance used as a weed killer throughout the growing process, but it is also sprayed onto the oats shortly before harvest to help aid with the drying process. This is “false, deceptive and misleading” claims Lewis Daly in his Brooklyn federal court lawsuit. Unfortunately it is getting more and more common to find the “probably carcinogenic” chemical in our food and drink.
Brazils mosquito killing billboards
Brazil has employed a new method to tackle the fight against the ‘Zika’ virus. Mosquito killing billboards are being constructed throughout the country. The billboards attract the insects with a human like smell, before trapping them at the base where they are said to “live out their natural lives inside the sign, unable to bite anyone”. These billboards may be able to replace the toxic chemicals currently being deployed in vast quantities throughout the country, to eradicate mosquito populations.
Officials must recognise Electrohypersensitivity
A recent petition has called on the UK government, the NHS and other official organisations, to recognise and support individuals with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Electrohypersensitivity is brought on from exposure to the Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR) that currently floods the modern world. Smart meters and wi-fi can be massive contributors to EMR, yet they are becoming increasingly harder to avoid in modern society. For more information on EMR, visit the ANH International campaign page.
Is marketing to blame for the obesity epidemic?
The Food Foundation group has recently looked into the vast amount of money used to market unhealthy products on the television. Their report analysed the Muller Corner yoghurts, a foodstuff traditionally considered as a healthy option for breakfast or a snack, but that is in fact laden with sugar! Last year the brand was the dairy industries biggest investor in advertising, with a vast majority of that being on TV campaigns. The group are calling for stricter regulations surrounding the advertising of junk food on television, claiming that “the way food is now produced, marketed and promoted is to blame” for the obesity epidemic.
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