Mandatory “science of immunization” lessons

Parents in Ontario, Canada, who chose not to vaccinate their children could soon be forced to take a class in the “science of immunization”. The new bill will require any parent, including those filing refusal for religious or moral reasons, to complete the course intended to inform them of the importance of immunization, the dangers of foregoing it and the purpose of herd immunity”. After the course parents will still be free to choose whether or not they wish to vaccinate their children. For more information on vaccine choice, visit the ANH International campaign page.

The National Microbiome Initiative

The White House has recently announced the launch of the National Microbiome Initiative (NMI). Half a million dollars are being pledged to study the microbes around us, from inside the human body, to crops, the soil and the oceans. The NMI is hoping to unify the numerous studies already underway to research the planet's microbiome and help shed further light on the planets biology.

Prince Charles criticised for homeopathic approach

Experts have recently criticised Prince Charles for using homeopathic remedies to treat his herd of cows on his Gloucestershire estate. Some have even gone as far as saying he is “abusing his position as heir to the throne”. But with the growing threat of antibiotic resistance should more people not be following in his footsteps?

Multivitamins can reduce miscarriage

A new study suggests that taking a multivitamin everyday during pregnancy could reduce the risk of miscarriage by 55%. The study carried out by G. M. Buck Louis, et al. looked at 344 couples whilst trying to conceive, and then for seven weeks post-conception. The study also found age to be a significant risk factor for miscarriage, as was increased caffeine consumption. It is important that if a multivitamin is going to be used, cheap synthetic versions are avoided.

Paracetamol kills empathy

Recent studies have found that paracetamol doesn’t only kill pain! Research shows that it also reduces people’s empathy for the pain of others. Acetaminophen, the ingredient in over 600 medications including paracetamol, was given to 40 college students, whilst another 40 were given a placebo. It was found that the group given 1,000mg of Acetaminophen showed a reduction in empathy, which could put a strain on personal relationships. Read more.

Poultry workers forced to resort to nappies

A new report from Oxfam America has found that poultry workers are “mocked or ignored by supervisors when they ask to go to the bathroom”, forcing them to resort to nappies whilst working on the production line. As a result employees “restrict intake of liquids and fluids to dangerous degrees; they endure pain and discomfort while they worry about their health and job security”. We should be mindful of both animal and human rights when choosing meat.