Anti-ageing and longevity are concepts that have been important drivers in many long-standing human cultures for millennia. The Ancient Egyptians, the Chinese dynasties and the ancient Ayurvedic texts all pay particular attention to strategies that are intended to extend healthy lifespans.
More recently, many who have been searching for that elusive ‘fountain of youth’ have tried a wide manner of elixirs or cosmeceuticals. Others have gone the surgical route that of course does little to alter what’s under the skin.
In Rob Verkerk’s presentation delivered twice to over-brimming consumer audiences at Love Natural Love You at Olympia, Rob digs deep below the surface of our skins. He explores the key underlying processes that we need to manage if we are to slow down the tick of our biological clocks – and gain some additional healthy years.
Given how noisy the auditorium at Olympia is, Rob has recorded the presentation again, for your benefit. For those of you looking at getting into the driving seat of your health and with an interest in slowing, stopping or even reversing their biological clocks, please check out the video of Rob’s talk below.
your voice counts
14 July 2016 at 2:19 am
HIT cardio exercise. Why? For 400% HGH release. No mention of stopping overburdening immune system before boosting. No mention that we need 3gms of natural Vit C plus Ge and Se to fully boost the CD4, CD8 and CD14 killer white blood cells, leukocytes.. No mention that when sick we need up to 5X that vit C. No mention that on the zero grain and sugar diet diabetes2 is knocked out in a month. Inflammation is caused by insufficient anti-oxidants, right.. BUT it's very high in 2 egg yolks daily. Stops artery inflammation and normalizes LDL. Fasting is a cop-out in trying to lose fat. Carb control on the HIT days 3X a week is needed. Vitamin D3 from supplements needs 8000iu to bring blood levels to optimum 60mcgs/mL. No guidance on when, and how long to sunbathe. Green tea? Drunk by the litre daily in Japan, yet they have almost epidemic cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity in the heavy boned, arthritis etc. Green tea is the highest in naturally occurring, toxic fluoride, that attracts radio-active particles into the spleen to start and fuel all malignancies. Clark H R, PhD ND. 1995. Calories don't count! Human Physiology. Drs. Vander, Sherman and Luciano, U of VA. Ch. 5. Energy and Cellular mechanisms. and Ch. 7. Homeostasis mechanisms. Meditate? How. Robert not yet there, and sadly gives much credence to mainstream scientists. My 11 optimum health guides on tthairsolutions site would get him up to speed.
14 July 2016 at 9:18 am
15 July 2016 at 1:59 am
Is there a text version of what is obviously another excellent presentation by Robert Verkerk please?
18 July 2016 at 9:09 am
Hi Susan,
I have emailed you.
Many thanks,
15 July 2016 at 10:47 am
Thank you, a concise overview, along the same path as Dr Mercola.
21 July 2016 at 2:05 pm
Could I also receive a text version by email please. Many thanks.
27 July 2016 at 10:27 am
I have emailed you.
Many thanks,
01 November 2016 at 4:08 pm
May I also ask for a text version please?
also I need to change/delete my email address from [email protected] to the one listed below.
Appreciate this,
[email protected]
02 November 2016 at 9:33 am
Hi Deirdre,
Thank you for your comment. I have emailed you.
Kindest regards,
01 November 2016 at 4:09 pm
could an acknowledgement of this email change of address be sent to:
[email protected]
Your voice counts
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