Hard on the heels of Theresa May’s and Philip Hammond’s announcement that the British government is opting for a ‘hard Brexit’, we’re asking residents in the UK how they feel about a range of issues affecting the UK’s adoption of EU laws, or otherwise — and about other important issues affecting healthcare choice and freedom.
The permutations of what could, will or won’t happen, after Article 50 is triggered are almost too great to contemplate. We still await the verdict of the Government’s High Court appeal.
But what we feel confident about is that if Theresa May and her team do the right thing for the British people, and loosen or even eliminate altogether the noose from EU laws that have been strangling small businesses, the heart and soul of the economy, as well as individual choices and freedoms, there’s a chance of a great outcome for the people of the UK.
Following is a link to our survey. There’s only 12 questions, and they won’t take more than a few minutes of your time to answer. Please share the link or this missive as widely as you can among your UK contacts who’re concerned about or interested in natural health, the role of the EU and Brexit.
And, for your amusement, we publish below a cartoon, hot off the pen of our in-house comms specialist Charlie Jones who was contemplating some of the things that might be occupying Theresa May’s mind late at night…
your voice counts
Phil Watson http://www.changinglivesstives.com
19 January 2017 at 8:58 am
Having researched the EU for many years, it is possibly one of the most corrupt organisations in the world. The Lisbon Treaty and all other treaties that it has pushed, have serious sovereignty issues that millions of people are unaware of. The joining of the EU was an act of treason, as is explained clearly by Albert Burgess of the English Constitution Group - https://www.facebook.com/pg/ECGenglishconstitutiongroup/videos/?ref=page_internal.
The UK can repeal the unlawful law that Heath's government forced through, then the UK can leave immediately and decide what EU originated laws it keeps. The EU will inevitably collapse at some point, as the Euro is a forced currency, which makes it weak as a basis for all economies tied to it.
Thirdly, the real power that controls the EU, the unelected EU commission, in collusion with the real powers that run them, the massive corporations and their lobbyists, they are the real and biggest danger to millions of European citizens, as their agendas are not for the benefit of people, but are purely for profit. Think of the EU as an asset stripping money machine. The WHO, the World Bank and the IMF all are part of this problem.
Sadly, millions of people are being enslaved by the EU experiment, which will fail as an institution, as all corrupt organisations do. The cost before it does will be immense. If people think I'm wrong, they should access a copy of the Lisbon Treaty and other treaties, not an easy task they'll find for something so important, then read the millions of words contained in them and see what they find. Trust me; it's a shock when people do.
Here’s a great video on the real power behind the EU. This is a very well researched bit of information. http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/131624/The_Brussels_Business_2012_Documentary_English/
These other links are also worth looking at, and hopefully sharing.
Tony Benn n the undemocratic EU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWnpbEMMsNw
Excellent article on sovereignty.
Jeremy Paxman’s video on the EU, who was originally thought the EU was a good thing, but not now.
Now I have studied many different bits of information on the EU, I have come to the conclusion that it is a corrupt cartel. It’s like sugar coated cyanide, looks OK on the outside, but has a deadly effect on countries wealth. Asset striping that wealth from millions, and syphoning it off to a few corporations. The sooner it is broken up, the better.
Teresa Hobday http://roseclinic.co.uk
19 January 2017 at 2:16 pm
My thoughts entirely.
antoine pouget
19 January 2017 at 4:22 pm
it is a corrupt cartel. It’s like sugar coated cyanide, looks OK on the outside, but has a deadly effect on countries wealth. Asset striping that wealth from millions, and syphoning it off to a few corporations.
a perfect summary
24 January 2017 at 11:14 am
Donald Trump has just cancelled TPP. Will enter talks to cancel NAFTA so I assume TTIP will also be dead in the water. So we have been saved from that one by the US President.
We just need to make sure that any future 'trade deals' entered into by the UK government are not in secret and do not set up corporate courts to 'arbitrate' disputes. Efectively allowing global corporations to ride rough shod over a country's wishes.
Your voice counts
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