Infant vitamin B1 deficiency leads to poor motor function and balance
A new study has looked at the long-term impact of vitamin B1 deficiency in young children. Researchers looked at a group of 39 children aged 5-6 years of age who had been fed with formula that lacked vitamin B1 as infants and compared their motor function with 30 children without the deficiency. Particularly noticeable were the differences in balance-control and fine motor skills, which the children fed the faulty formula exhibited at a high rate. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water soluble vitamin which is not stored in the body for very long, therefore it must be regularly consumed in the diet. It is needed for many different functions in the body e.g. the nervous system, heart and muscle function. Fortunately, thiamine is found in a wide range of foods (e.g. fish, meat, nuts, legumes and veg) so is relatively easy to obtain in a healthy diet such as that recommended in the ANH-Intl Food4Health guidelines.
Overuse of antibiotics may increase cancer risk
The link between poor diet and the risk of developing bowel cancer has been established for many years, along with the impact of diet and the damage that can be caused to our gut microbiome by antibiotics. Now a new study published in the journal Gut has linked the use of antibiotic risk with gut dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria) and an increased risk of developing bowel cancer. Researchers looked at 1,195 cases of bowel cancer using data from the Nurses’ Health Study. They found that women in early to middle adulthood, who had high antibiotic use, were at greater risk of developing bowel cancer than those who had little or no antibiotic use. Once again, this study highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy gut with a diverse range of microbial-partner colonies.
Protein to increase effectiveness of vaccines
Continued research into vaccine effectiveness has been reported in the journal Scientific Reports. The study in question found a protein that researchers believe could become a suitable, substitute adjuvant (used to stimulate an immune response) given the growing concern over aluminium and mercury. This particular protein, PorB, is from the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitidis one of the bacteria most often associated with infections of the central nervous system such as meningitis. The researchers reported an increased immune response to vaccines containing the protein. With evidence mounting against the use of aluminium and mercury the race is on to find suitable replacement adjuvants.
To fast or not to fast (before exercise)!
ANH-Intl has long promoted the benefits of fasting. Over-reliance on carbohydrates, to the detriment of fat, creates a barrier to the evolutionary-norm of burning fats as fuel. The body ‘switches’ to burning sugars when there is a surplus of dietary carbs. Now scientists from the University of Bath have shown that exercising on an empty stomach is better for your health. The study, published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, looked at a group of 10 overweight men, and assessed the effect of exercising in a fasted state or after eating on their ability to burn fat. Where they exercised after eating, participants were fed 2 hours prior to exercise. In order to examine metabolic changes blood samples were collected at regular intervals along with samples of fat tissue at baseline and one hour following exercise. The results showed that exercising after eating reduced the body’s ability to burn fat, but exercising in a fasted state promoted fat burning. For a more detailed look at how exercising in a fasted state can be of benefit read ‘Enhance metabolic flexibility and burn more fat’ on the ANH-Intl website
Fasting protects cells against chemotherapy drugs
The benefits of fasting during cancer treatment have been found in a new mouse study published in the journal Plos One. Researchers found that fasting prior to treatment with conventional cancer drugs protected healthy cells from damage by chemotherapy. More and more natural health practitioners who specialise in supporting cancer patients are finding the benefits of fasting prior to conventional treatment plus a ketogenic diet. This mouse study found that fasting causes healthy cells to slow their metabolism and go into repair/survival mode until more food is available. It’s because of this ‘hibernating’ effect that they’re at less risk of damage from chemotherapy drugs.
100% of French urine samples contain glyphosate
The shocking results of a recent study confirm that glyphosate, “a probable human carcinogen”, according to the WHO, had contaminated 100% of the samples analysed. Across a diverse selection of applicants, French awareness organisation, Générations Futures, tested the urine of 30 human subjects to assess the extent to which the controversial herbicide has infiltrated European drinking water. With all subjects displaying high presence of the chemical, all but one of the samples contained way over the maximum allowable pesticide concentration in water (0.1 ng/ml) – from the single lowest at 0.09 ng/ml to a dangerously high 2.89. With a proposal for extending its use in European agriculture back on the table, it is imperative that action is taken to block future use of this damaging agent in the EU.
European Commission approves pesticides without considering risks
Despite the public exposure in 2016 of the violation of the precautionary principle, the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) has once again been found - in 20 out of 22 cases – to have been approving pesticides with serious data gaps and high risks into the European market. Even with a direct order for a change in practice, 14 out of 14 cases (100%) categorically showed disobedience to new regulation measures and a continued illegal practice of allowing pesticides onto the market that have been proven to be high risk to the environment. Yet more evidence of the revolving doors in Europe between corporates and regulators?
your voice counts
Norman Frodsham http://N/A
12 April 2017 at 9:10 pm
When will this government ban this carcinogen ? They complain about insufficient funding to cope with all the man made diseases (Chronic) but do nothing to prevent them from happening.
ThomasT http:/
13 April 2017 at 12:39 am
Bowel Cancer. The colon is inflamed by 2 substances, vinegar, acetic acid, (except for apple cider vinegar), and pyrroles, (acrilamides), substances formed when meat and veges(!) are burnt in cooking ie BBQ or extreme searing. These are also in all smoked foods. An inflamed part allows the cancer nucleus and cancer complex to there start and fuel a malignancy. Clark H R, PhD ND 2007. (based on over 1/2 million reproducible so scientifically valid bio-resonance tests). Hence the red meat and colon cancer connection.. when the meat is BURNT!
S. Bellido
13 April 2017 at 4:43 am
You are the people who are at the sharp end with the knowledge and information about this awful herbicide. I know you'll maximise the Brexit opportunity to get this one banned. I'll get organized and start supporting you. Sorry not very well off but every penny counts. Thanks fo the information.
Miranda Black
13 April 2017 at 9:10 am
All of the team here at ANH appreciate your support and any donation is always greatefully received.
Kind regards
Miranda Black
Your voice counts
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