Content Sections
- ● Monsanto cited for causing cancer
- ● Antibacterial ingredients shown to cause colon inflammation
- ● UK study claims HPV vaccine efficacy
- ● Hope for mild Alzheimer’s sufferers
- ● Sugar labelling confusion in US
- ● Where have all the insects gone?
- ● US teens turn to alternative medicine
- ● Prescription drug use and depression
Monsanto cited for causing cancer
A father dying from cancer has launched what promises to be the first of many similar court cases against Monsanto as he cites Roundup as the cause of his terminal cancer. The outcome of this trial could set a legal precedent for the thousands more cases waiting in the wings.
Antibacterial ingredients shown to cause colon inflammation
A new mouse study has verified earlier results - demonstrating the detrimental effects of triclosan (an antimicrobial commonly found in personal care products). The study resulted in changes in the gut microbiota and increased inflammation, which raises questions about its potential to increase the risk of colitis and colon cancer in humans.
UK study claims HPV vaccine efficacy
A new study using surveillance data from England claims that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 16 and 18 infections fell by 86% in women eligible for vaccination between 2010 and 2016. As a result, it's being suggested that the HPV vaccination programme “… will bring about large reductions in cervical cancer in the future.” However, no mention is made of the significant number of adverse events linked to the HPV vaccine, some of which being serious, long-term and life-altering.
Hope for mild Alzheimer’s sufferers
Case study of a 57 year old woman with mild cognitive impairment (known to precede Alzheimer’s disease) shows memory training together with a Ketogenic diet and high intensity interval training (HIIT) improves memory function. This case study underlines the effectiveness of simple, easy-to-implement lifestyle interventions that may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Sugar labelling confusion in US
In a bizarre decision sure to confuse consumers further, draft guidance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has caused outrage among maple syrup and honey producers by proposing the sugar content of natural maple syrup and honey be labelled as ‘added sugar’. In an effort to appease producers it proposes the use of a symbol with a statement that provides truthful and contextual information about ‘added sugars’ and what it means for these specific products.
Where have all the insects gone?
A recent study has highlighted the ongoing massive decline in insect numbers which is causing a crisis in the British countryside. UK naturalist Chris Packham caused a Twitter storm when he commented on the lack of insects during a weekend at his home in the New Forest.
US teens turn to alternative medicine
The use of alternatives to mainstream drugs such as herbal products and nutraceuticals amongst US teens has doubled according to a recent JAMA Pediatrics study. The study author expressed concerns over the safety and effectiveness of such products, saying, “Dietary supplements are not required to go through the same FDA regulations and approval process as prescription drugs. As a result, we know very little about their safety and effectiveness, especially in children". However, research commissioned by ANH-Intl in 2012 shows that there’s more risk of being hit by a lightning strike than being harmed by food/dietary supplements.
Prescription drug use and depression
Researchers from the University of Illinois have found that patients prescribed pharmaceutical drugs with depression as a listed side-effect were more likely to suffer from depression. Concerns have been raised as to how often this leads to a diagnosis of depression with further prescribing of anti-depressants to combat the side-effects of the previously prescribed drugs. ANH-Intl has long been concerned about the dangers of poly-pharmacy, where people are prescribed multiple drugs without the knowledge of the potential side-effects when used together.
your voice counts
21 June 2018 at 2:11 pm
Fear given power works its own self-fulfilling prophecy.
Fear as division can bring on :
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Or it can prompt the release of such a negative and futile 'Economy' or 'identity' to a revisiting of the fear within the willingness and desire to heal/find healing.
As investment in fear-solutions that seek to (hide from and hide in) fades, more light comes in by which to truly see. Initially this reveals more of the devices of denial and diversion that hide the cause in the symptoms and attack or deny it there, but this IS a healing process if NOT used to feed the old paradigm of guilt outsourcing (propagating) itself.
I cant use the term 'guilt' and be likely understood, because we think to escape evils by changing the names instead of changing our minds.
Words can package toxic debt in complex financial packages that promise an increase of personal power and protection.
Insofar as we bring our thought and word into alignment with wholeness of being rather than as a 'self-sense of lack' in search of power and protection, we shall 'out' ourselves without witch-hunt of blame and fear driven agenda.
Your voice counts
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