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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 299 | 4 May 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  ANH-Intl self care survey and LCHF diets  
  I write this as I'm about to board the Portsmouth ferry to give a presentation at the Woodland Retreat at Fishbourne in the Isle of Wight. There's a growing number of people who've firmly decided that our health is sovereign, and not only on the Isle of Wight! While we all benefit from having access to health professionals who can guide us in our health choices and interventions, we as individuals often do better when we remain firmly in the driving seat of our own health.

We also, sometimes, need to understand just how distorted and plain wrong is some of the advice we get from government health authorities and certain strands of the medical establishment.

This brings us to this week's theme: self care and low carb diets. The establishment is paying more lip service to self care, but not when it means using health foods, natural remedies and natural health practitioners. The mainstream is also no fan of low carb and high fat diets.

To help us better understand the self care issues we face, especially with respect to natural health, we are today launching a survey that will remain open to the end of the month. We urge you to help us share the link to the survey far and wide among your contacts, friends and family.

In our second piece this week, we also give you the heads up on a new study that the mainstream is bound to use - or I should say misuse - to bash Low Carb High Fat diets. It's good to be prepared! And don't let them put you off if this approach is working for you, as it is for thousands!

Find out about this week's news too.

In health, naturally

Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
SURVEY: Who’s in the driving seat of your health?

We would be delighted if you could take the time to participate in our quick survey!
Can the Low Carb High Fat bubble be burst?

We muse on preliminary findings from a ‘gold standard’ US study set to challenge Low Carb High Fat (LCHF)...
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