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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 312 | 3 August 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  Dirty tactics and high price tags  
  We live in a world where there are stark reminders on a daily basis that the real drivers behind the scenes are the big corporates. We pay a high price tag with our health whilst they bolster their bottom line. We’ve long been aware of the less than savoury deeds of Big Pharma, Big Food and Big Biotech, let’s not forget Big Sugar, along with the hugely successful money-making machine that is cancer research.

Our first story sheds light on the lengths that the corporate sugar lobby will go to in ensuring that sugar levels remain unrestricted, untaxed and ubiquitous in processed food products, drinks and confectionery. Despite the plethora of research showing the health dangers of sugar, the frightening obesity stats and the fact that wholly preventable lifestyle diseases, like type 2 diabetes, are on the brink of toppling healthcare systems globally, the sugar lobby is remorselessly undeterred.

Like type 2 diabetes, many cancers have lifestyle and environmental triggers. We’ve become so used to pink ribbons, extreme fund-raising activities, coin collectors in every shopping mall and mawkish adverts on TV extolling the need to give more in the ‘fight against cancer’. Not for a minute are we ignoring the immense suffering that cancer is causing millions of families, but we can’t ignore what’s behind the slick, creative marketing campaigns designed to pull on our heart strings and make us dig deeper. And it works. In Britain alone the public donates a massive £2.5bn to cancer research, but no one asks where the money goes and why it’s taking so long to find ‘a cure’. Or why there is almost nothing communicated about simple diet and lifestyle prevention strategies. Read our second story from our friends at the Dying for A Cure Campaign if you’re curious about where the money goes. It’s eye-opening to say the least and should be shared widely.

As always, we leave the more time-challenged amongst you with our bite-size news nuggets.

In sugar-free health, naturally


Meleni Aldridge
Executive Coordinator
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