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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 308 | 6 July 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  The EU distorted dozen  
  Following on from last week’s SWOT analysis of how Brexit could impact natural health, this week we look at the Distorted Dozen.  These are the 12 main EU laws that we feel have the greatest impact for natural health – nearly all of which have been severely distorted and through an analysis of their good, bad and ugly characteristics, the UK can help build a solid footing for policies and legislation affecting natural health once freed from the unaccountability and authoritarianism of the EU.

Our second piece brings you the final results of our “Who’s in the driving seat of your health?” survey.  We think you'll find some very interesting results and we end with Nanette's story of self care.  One of the most dramatic illustrations of the power of the human body to heal.  Nanette's inspiring interview speaks for itself and is definitely worth a listen.

And finally, our news tidbits, there for your more time-challenged moments.

In health, naturally

Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
The EU Distorted Dozen

ANH-Intl assesses 12 EU legal frameworks affecting natural health – and considers how the UK could minimize their negative impact...
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Never has it been more important to play your part in the healthcare revolution

If you're fired up about the state of natural health in post-Brexit UK please donate to our advocacy campaign fund.
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Alliance for Natural Health International.
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