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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 319 | 21 September 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  Food and cannabis  
  Now we’ve got your attention (with the title of this week’s eAlert)…

Actually these are two distinct stories. The food one relates to our launch of our revised Food4Health plates. This is all about preparing ourselves for a much greater push to healthcare professionals, in both the CAM and mainstream fields, in the UK and beyond. We’ve now had 18 months to evaluate practitioner and public opinion, and we’ve taken feedback on-board. But sorry, we’re not budging on our gluten-free recommendation because the science is very clear, irrespective if someone has no clinical manifestations of gluten intolerance. But like speed limit signs, you are free to step outside the guideline at your own risk.  We hope you like the revisions and re-design.

The cannabis story reveals the clear tension that exists in certain parts of the UK government and in the Parliament, the latter being the direct recipient of the rapidly expanding scientific literature of the importance of cannabis in medicine. Imagine if Prozac had been a recreational drug first…although cannabis was clearly a medicine well over 4,000 years ago.

For those of practitioners amongst you in the London area this weekend and who are planning to come to CAMexpo at Olympia, we’re greatly looking forward to seeing you on Stand 1925.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
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