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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 311 | 27 July 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  New EU freedom of commercial speech infringement  
  We get fed a pack of lies through health advice by people we’re meant to trust, we get sick as a result of that advice and we find out after it’s too late for many of us.  That’s the nub of the saturated fat story that’s now the subject of a documentary The Big Fat Fix that we showcase this week.

Our other story is about how the EU has shut the door on the ability of natural product companies to offer most educational informational about their products to doctors and other health professionals. It’s a travesty, but as you’ll discover in our feature, there is a way around it. In an environment where Big Pharma and Big Food interests have been controlling the tension of the rope around the neck of the natural products trade for years, most especially in the EU, workarounds are a primary mechanism for our survival.

As of next week, I’ll be handing the reigns of ANH-Intl to my highly capable team so that I can take my annual vacation. It’s been a very busy year and some recovery and family time is in order. I will be back in the second half of August, revitalised and renewed to face the many challenges and opportunities for natural health that lie ahead!

My penultimate day at work will be both unusual and one I am greatly looking forward to (finishing!). Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will do my ANH-Intl one-day challenge and will attempt to cycle off-road the 160 km (100 miles) South Downs Way from Winchester to Eastbourne, in the South of England. I will establish during the course of the day if my resilience is up to it!


In health, naturally

Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
European Court shuts ‘loophole’ that saves lives and prevents disease

ANH-Intl discuses implications of a recent European Court of Justice case that restricts commercial communications between traders and doctors and...
New Film Release! ‘The Big Fat Fix’

Deemed the best health movie ever and demonstrating why the future of healthcare is lifestyle medicine
News Alerts: Week 30, 2016

EU approves GM soybeans, Infant formula marketing laws get criminalised, Is mass medication really the answer?, Glyphosate alters human DNA,...
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