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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 302 | 25 May 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  People power: GMOs and health  
  The British public, like that of the USA, has been hit this week by a whitewash report from a senior scientific body trying to kick the public into line with government policy on GMOs. They want us to believe GM crops are safe – in the face of conflicting and often sparse evidence. I think they think we’re fools. We were especially shocked to see the deficiencies in the UK’s Royal Society propaganda piece on the subject, about which we respond in greater detail in our main story this week. But they did get their all-important headlines… Given the importance of the Internet and social media in this debate, please do what you can to forward our piece far and wide using the easy-access tabs on the side of the story. Thank you.

Our second story this week gives you a preview of our work at a leading natural health conference in Birmingham (West Midlands, UK) last Sunday and Monday. We are engaged in a collaborative project that is developing a health data cooperative for the public. It’s about helping the public to know something about the overall effect of decisions they make over their health. Its about empowerment. The data won’t be taken from the public and will not be able to be used for profit. It’s about big data and it’s about helping all of us to help ourselves better. Find out more.

Catch up on other natural health-related news in our weekly update.

In health naturally,

Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
UK Royal Society whitewash on GM crops

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