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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 31 | 1 August 2018 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  Reclaiming our nature  
  It’s 1st August today, but I’d have known it even if I wasn’t aware of the calendar. It’s as if people in the UK suddenly evaporate between the end of July and August. The usual morning gridlock is absent, the roads freer flowing, the streets quieter – and this year, the sun is shining and has been for week upon beautiful week. It’s very definitely summer and a huge proportion of the UK and Europe is very definitely en vacances.

Our esteemed leader 'evaporated' with the rest of them yesterday on his annual R & R, so for the next 3 weeks you will be in the team’s and my, hopefully, capable hands!

As an antidote to the crazy, political climate in the UK, teetering on the Brexit precipice we find ourselves on — and in homage to the inescapable holiday vibe — this week’s eAlert is light, bright and summery. It’s all about using Nature, for real, outside or on a picnic blanket to reclaim our natures again.

We offer you our top tips for summer joy and a new set of vibrantly tasty and bountifully healthy recipes to make your perfect picnic go off with a rainbow-coloured bang! But, good health and great food isn’t just for summer, so those of you further south in the depths of winter can still benefit. Perhaps add some more warming spices to the dishes, take extra supplemental vitamin D and put on a few more layers when being active outdoors.

In holiday health, naturally

Meleni Aldridge
Executive Coordinator
Top Tips for Summer joy!

Reclaiming our true nature whilst optimising health and resilience this summer
Food4Health: Perfect Picnics

Recipes to create your own vibrant smorgasbord of picnic diversity - the Food4Health way
News Alerts: Week 31, 2018

NHS and Brexit; Hide and seek with nuclear waste; Supplements under attack in US; Australia ‘no jab, no pay’ pain;...
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Alliance for Natural Health International.
The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA, UK