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  ANH-Intl eAlert No 295 | 7 April 2016 International
Alliance for Natural Health
  Uncovering the cover-ups  
  We live in a world in which we don’t hear a lot of good news about ethical businesses. They are around, we all know a few. But they don’t make it into the headlines very often. Similarly, we don’t that often hear about individual businesses that are unethical or corrupt. Monsanto springs to mind.  And the unfolding Panama Papers saga is another exception to the rule, but the banks are an easy target as they are already soiled.

What we do hear about over and over again is entire sectors that are rotten to their core. The pharmaceutical industry has had plenty of negative press and that’s all the more surprising given many of the most powerful media channels are supported in part by Big Pharma. You’ll have noticed, for example, how drug breakthroughs that might be highly speculative or greatly exaggerated often make it on to the front pages of newspapers.

This week we look at two stories that we believe are fuelled by entire industry sectors that are in cahoots with academics and governments.

The reality is that it’s becoming ever harder for governments and industries to cover up what’s going on. Perhaps there are fewer ‘sheeple’ out there than they expected!

You can make up your own mind.

In health, naturally

Rob Verkerk, PhD
Founder, executive & scientific director
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