A revolution against aging and death, RADDFest 2024.

RAADfest is designed to be the most immersive and interactive longevity event in the world. With content presented for a general audience, it attracts numerous practitioners, researchers, writers and members of the media, as well as individuals seeking to know the best ways to take charge of their longevity. The event also features live entertainment, which informs and expresses the inspirational spirit of RAADfest.

Attendees are at the heart of the RAADfest experience, interacting with experts both during and after presentations. In RAADcity, the product expo, attendees get to sample products and services first hand, as well as learn new ways to support their longevity. During meals and parties, the conversation continues, as people share invaluable insights and experiences.  

RAADfest is a true festival, where all aspects of living longer and better are celebrated. 


ANH founder, executive & scientific director, Rob Verkerk PhD, will be speaking at RAADFest this year. The title and topic of his talk will be:

Defending Our Rights and Future from Agency Overreach.

As Big Pharma's pipelines for new-to-nature drugs become progressively emptier, its focus has shifted towards biologics, biosimilars and synthetic biology. This means that Big Pharma is increasingly competing in the same space as the natural products industry. As head of the leading activist organization defending our right to natural health, Dr Verkerk will bring you the latest insights of the threats and opportunities facing us, and why the rapidly expanding anti-ageing sector must get strategic and proactive in defending its future.


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