Natural & Organic Products Europe is Europe’s biggest trade show for natural & organic products making it the ‘must attend’ event for buyers of natural health and living products, natural and organic food & drink as well as natural beauty & personal care products.

Natural & Organic Products Europe 2019
- Date:
- 07 - 08 April 2019
- Venue:
- ExCeL, London
The future of health at Europe’s favourite natural business event
Podcast Video News Event Campaign All

4 hacks to make the most out of your horizontal time
09 October 2019
Part 2 of our Health Hacks on sleep and the brain

Booked in your mammograms, ladies?
13 February 2019
Please be aware of background to latest study suggesting all women over 35 receive mammogram screens if they have familial cancer risk

Statin prophylaxis for the over-75s?
06 February 2019
Why you can’t believe the headlines or the Lancet paper that recommends statins to everyone over 75-years-old

A gut feeling about Parkinson’s
22 November 2018
Could Parkinson’s disease be rooted in the gut and not the brain?

Are you rea’D’y for Winter?
22 November 2018
Why adequate levels of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ are vital for health and mental wellbeing

British folic acid fortification folly
18 October 2018
Is mandatory fortification of flour in the UK really the best solution to reduce birth defects?

Live Longer, Feel Better
Rob Verkerk talks to journalist Michael Beattie as part of the Live Longer, Feel Better series.
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