
The FSA fingers Pan Pharmaceutical products in the UK (1)

10 October 2007

The second largest formulator of dietary supplements in the world feels the pain globally, after its license was suspended in Australia in late April. It is widely felt in industry circles that this suspension was overly harsh, particularly considering that the quality control problems that initiated the ban were primarily confined to a pharmaceutical product, rather than natural healthcare products which form the mainstay of the company's business. The ban has already resulted in the withdrawal of some 1500 healthcare products in Australia.

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Dissident Labour MPs removed from Commons committee before vote (1)

10 October 2007

Kate Hoey, Labour MP made her opinions known and was removed from the standing committee voting on the transposition of the EU Food Supplements Directive. Up to 5 Labour MPs on the committee were replaced the day before the vote. With the re-worked committee, the regulations gained support by two votes.

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Calling all Americans: act now! (1)

10 October 2007

Many Americans were breathing easy after the victory with the the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994. Then came Senate Bill S.722. Read what NOW Foods are saying about it. Let's all recognise the global nature of the threat to innovative, effective dietary supplements. This is a call to action!

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Why is the real science being ignored? (1)

10 October 2007

Pressure by the UK and EU governments to limit the maximum allowed dosage of vitamin B6 continues, despite good evidence that doses at least 10 times greater than the upper safe level recommended by the UK's Food Standards Agency are safe.

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Breaking news.....finally, in a UK regional newspaper! (1)

10 October 2007

The UK national media seemed to be disinterested in the fiasco surrounding the transposition of the EU Food Supplements Directive into English law. However, one of the top regional newspapers has picked up the gauntlet and finally given coverage to these important issues. Read on…

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Daily Telegraph emphasises contradictions (1)

10 October 2007

Felicity Kendal from the UK's Daily Telegraph speaks out on contradictions and poor rationale in government policy on such diverse things as police patrols, mobile phones, junk food and..... nutritional supplements.

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