Sins of omission and statistics: UK pushes fluoride as world thinks again
02 April 2014
Opaque government report relies on number-crunching and ignores most health concerns
02 April 2014
Opaque government report relies on number-crunching and ignores most health concerns
01 April 2014
Jamie outlines his latest venture using "Question Time" styled panel discussions to offer people sufficient choices to change their health status
26 March 2014
The HPV vaccine, food labelling, muscle mass related to lower risk of death, the mumps vaccine, GM pollen in honey, meningitis vaccine, and the ASA
26 March 2014
We look at the consequences of herbal medicine regulation – statutory or voluntary – or maintaining the status quo
26 March 2014
Secret ‘free trade’ agreements threaten to hand the world to big business
21 March 2014
Robert Verkerk, PhD, on whether folic acid can deliver important health benefits and whether over-consumption a real problem
19 March 2014
Truth revealed about wheat and fluoride, GM material found in non-GM, modified gut bacteria, proposal for nanomaterial labelling rejected, and saturated fat good
19 March 2014
Insights on the FDA’s latest proposed rule changes for labelling of foods and supplements
19 March 2014
ANH-Intl reviews the implications of the European Commission's proposed reform of the NFR
12 March 2014
WHO guidelines on sugar, Omega-3 helps you sleep well, antibiotics, obese teens at risk, Vitamin D and breast cancer, and BPA
12 March 2014
Is Big Food's media influence behind scaremongering headlines?
12 March 2014
Natural health practitioner Alyssa Burns-Hill, PhD spearheads resistance
05 March 2014
We take a deeper look at a question of vital importance to the UK’s practitioners of herbal and traditional systems of medicine
05 March 2014
Compensation for vaccine damage, Seralini speaks out, statin cover-up, plastics in US food, mammogram failure, seed freedom and EU childhood obesity
05 March 2014
The big picture on Western healthcare, done simply and done right
26 February 2014
New report and the media reaction highlights sensitivity of an important debate
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