
ANH Feature: Focus on Ayurveda – Part 2

20 January 2009

Read Part 2 of the Focus on Ayurveda feature detailing the proceedings of the 3rd World Ayurveda Congress in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (16-21st December 2008)—an integral part of ANH's ongoing campaign to nurture traditional medicinal cultures.

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ANH Feature: Detox works—we can prove it!

09 January 2009

The ANH responds to Sense About Science and Voice of Young Scientists attack on detox products. You'll find here two different perspectives, one from a doctor, the other from a scientist. Essential reading in January!

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ANH Feature: Focus on Ayurveda – Part 1

20 December 2008

Read Part 1 of the ANH's feature taking in the visit to Varanasi as part of its information gathering, network strengthening tour of India.  This forms an integral part of ANH's ongoing campaign to nurture traditional medicinal cultures. 

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ANH Feature: St John’s Wort works as well as drugs – with far fewer side-effects

09 December 2008

A recent Cochrane review of 29 trials, covering 5489 patients, concluded that the St John’s Wort extracts tested "...are superior to placebo in patients with major depression".  No wonder this innocent herb has been banned as a food supplement in some EU Member States.  It is quite clearly too effective for its own good!  

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Is the FDA trying to end-run DSHEA—again?

25 November 2008

Some new language in Section 912 of the FDA's Amendments Act of 2007 could hand over control of all scientifically-verified dietary supplements to the pharmaceutical industry. Today, the ANH and its US affiliate, the American Association for Health Freedom, submitted its comments to the FDA showing them they do not have the legal power to do this. 

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JAMA: synthetic low dose vitamins—of course they don't work!

18 November 2008

On Sunday 9th November 2008 the Journal of the American Medical Association issued a press release telling the world that vitamin C and E supplements did not work in preventing heart disease in older men. However, this finding could have been predicted and the funds used to pay for the 10 years worth of research could have been put to much better use.

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Codex nutrition meeting concludes in South Africa

14 November 2008

There's more evidence from the last Codex nutrition committee meeting, held in Cape Town, that Codex is primarily about creating a global trading environment suitable only for the world's largest corporations. Natural health aware members of the general public need to take action now, before it's too late.

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FDA under pressure to do U-turn on plasticiser BPA

02 November 2008

An independent panel of scientists has told the FDA that it was wrong in its decision to view the controversial plasticiser bisphenol-A (BPA) found in baby's bottles, food containers and plastic wrapping, as safe. The FDA's Science Panel as corroborated these views. The big question now is will the FDA take note and do a U-turn and face the music from their friends in the chemical companies? 

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Canadian pressure on natural health: Bill C-51 to be revived

31 October 2008

Although natural health advocates, smaller natural health companies and herb suppliers rejoiced at their efforts to sideline ominous Bill C-51 earlier this year, the new parliamentary session in Ottawa always brought with it the risk of the bill's re-introduction.  

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