
ANH sends a warning to the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA)

10 October 2007

The ANH in collaboration with its US affiliate, the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), submitted on 5 January 2007, its consultation response to the US Food & Drugs Administration (FDA) on its current functional foods consultation and warns that the US should not copy restrictive European legislative models as consumers would otherwise be the likely big losers.

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Le Codex Alimentarius protège les intêrets

10 October 2007

Quarante cinq pays et vingt quatre organisations non-gouvernementales internationales ont aujourd’hui terminé une semaine de délibérations à Chiang Mai, Thailande, à la 28ième session du Comité sur la nutrition du Codex Alimentarius des Nations Unies.

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UK set to ban superfoods using EU novel food laws intended for GM crops

10 October 2007

The EU Novel Foods Regulations (1997), initially brought into force as a protection against GM foods entering the market without sufficient safety testing, is now being used as the tool with which superfoods from indigenous cultures are being discriminated against within the EU. Today's story in The Times (UK) tells how Goji berries, a completely natural nutrient dense superberry eaten for centuries in China and other parts of Asia, is due to be removed from the shelves on 23rd March 2007, if proof of sale in any EU Member State before 1997 cannot be shown.

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Nil By Mouth (1)

10 October 2007

Rose Shepherd from the UK's Observer Magazine reports on the potential impacts of the EU Food Supplements Directive

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ANH hits back at FSA report and message (1)

10 October 2007

The UK Food Standard's Agency has released its report on vitamins and minerals today, along with powerful messages warning consumers about the dangers of nutritional supplements. Scientists and complementary practitioners around Europe have hit back at the FSA calling their message irresponsible and the science used to support it flawed.

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