
Panel Urges Lowering of Allowable Fluoride (1)

10 October 2007

High concentrations of fluoride that occur naturally in a small minority of the nation's drinking water supplies can damage teeth and bones, and federal regulators should reduce the level that is considered safe for human consumption, a National Academy of Sciences panel said Wednesday.

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Debate on homeopathy (1)

10 October 2007

A discussion ensues in the The Times newspaper (London) on the role of science as a means of validating homeopathy and other forms of complementary medicine...

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Whose Truth About Vitamins? (1)

10 October 2007

BBC2 broadcast its story last night on vitamin supplementation. Far from being fair and balanced, it took a heavy swipe at high dose vitamin supplementation and omitted discussion of the benefits of supplementation. See the joint ANH and Institute for Complementary Medicine press release below.

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US allows fatty acid claims (1)

10 October 2007

Just as Europe tries to push the onus for proving health claims on manufacturers via the proposed EU Nutrition and Health Claims Regulations, the US government offers another allowed health claim that will empower consumers.

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