
Calling all Americans: act now!

30 June 2003

Many Americans were breathing easy after the victory with the the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994. Then came Senate Bill S.722. Read what NOW Foods are saying about it. Let's all recognise the global nature of the threat to innovative, effective dietary supplements. This is a call to action!

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The FSA fingers Pan Pharmaceutical products in the UK

20 June 2003

The second largest formulator of dietary supplements in the world feels the pain globally, after its license was suspended in Australia in late April. It is widely felt in industry circles that this suspension was overly harsh, particularly considering that the quality control problems that initiated the ban were primarily confined to a pharmaceutical product, rather than natural healthcare pro

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NHS Direct Online puts some perspective on FSA report

19 May 2003

NHS Direct Online has released its opinion of the FSA report and criticises in particular inaccuracies in the media reporting. It also stresses no systematic review methodology was used therefore it is "not possible to decide how reliable the conclusions might be."

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Public Meeting, London

17 May 2003

Dandelion Natural Foods, a healthstore in Battersea, London, is convening a public meeting to address the problems caused by the UK government's intention to massively restrict ingredients and dosages allowed in nutritional supplements.

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ANH hits back at FSA report and message

08 May 2003

The UK Food Standard's Agency has released its report on vitamins and minerals today, along with powerful messages warning consumers about the dangers of nutritional supplements. Scientists and complementary practitioners around Europe have hit back at the FSA calling their message irresponsible and the science used to support it flawed.

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Nutritional supplements under attack

06 May 2003

Two articles in major British newspapers were issued on 4th and 5th May that again attack the use of nutritional supplements. A similar article also appeared in a prominent US newspaper.

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