Does Cannabis have its place in medicine?
21 September 2016
A look at why the UK parliamentary group on drug reform is at odds with the Home Office’s view on medical cannabis
21 September 2016
A look at why the UK parliamentary group on drug reform is at odds with the Home Office’s view on medical cannabis
21 September 2016
Chemical giants Bayer & Monsanto merge, To Opt Out of Screening or Not?, Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern, Hundreds protest against harmful spraying in Miami, Embryos created without the need for sperm, Higher red meat intake associated with increase mortality risks
14 September 2016
Rob Verkerk provides further insights on a mother’s struggle to deliver non-standard cancer treatment to her neuroblastoma-afflicted daughter
14 September 2016
Thailand to vaccinate 400,000 against HPV, New drug may increase social interaction in autism patients, A fluoride free Bedford, Latest Government data shows a reduction in sugar intake from soft drinks, FluMist vaccine only 3% effective in preventing Flu, Magazine sentenced for defamation in Séralini court case
07 September 2016
Rob Verkerk of ANH-Intl investigates the latest HPV vaccine publication citing
07 September 2016
Getting up close and personal with our new team via a Q&A
07 September 2016
Chemotherapy killing patients, TTIP trade agreement ‘has failed’, Modern children not ready for school, Millions of bees murdered, Vitamin D and asthma, B12 campaigner honoured
31 August 2016
With no clear scientific explanations forthcoming, Rob Verkerk draws on ideas spawned during a dinner conversation with an American colleague
31 August 2016
As plant foods get increasing air time, and health authorities declare processed and red meats as carcinogens, we look more closely at the pros and cons of meat-free vs omnivorous diets
31 August 2016
Parents to sue over MMR vaccine deaths, GPs put patients at risk, The Childhood Obesity Plan, 100s of unvaccinated children to be sent home from school, A more sustainable future, 90% of all health claims are rejected
24 August 2016
Discover how far a Polish mother is prepared to go to give her daughter the best chance of beating high-risk neuroblastoma
24 August 2016
With no escaping an elevated risk of breast cancer among women on HRT, the spotlight will be back on bioidentical hormones. Be informed.
24 August 2016
A new approach to diabetes, Hormone replacement therapy triples cancer risk, Dr. Lee campaigns against HPV vaccination in China, School fights back after mandatory vaccination, UK’s flawed obesity strategy, Omega 3 supplementation fights stroke, Supplement recommendations during pregnancy
17 August 2016
Rob Verkerk PhD interviews one of the UK’s trailblazing integrative medicine doctors specialising in hormone balance and bioidentical hormones
17 August 2016
Bioidentical hormone therapy, the challenges faced by GPs and natural approaches to endocrine balance in the fascinating conclusion
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