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Many of the most outspoken and informed dissenters of the mainstream narrative from the international medical, legal, scientific and media community gathered in Bath, England this past weekend for the Better Way Conference. This solution-focused event brought together an international cohort of leaders and speakers from all walks of life and disciplines for three extremely full, exciting, days of learning, sharing, exploring, creating and collaborating. Our founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, was one of the speakers, talking in the final session on 'How do we innovate integrative approaches to managing our health?'
With such an exemplary master of ceremonies as The Highwire's, Del Bigtree, over 60 speakers, an ambitious agenda and around 3,000 delegates (those in-person and virtual), it was truly an event like no other.
The request to all of us taking part to bring our lion hearts, our pioneering spirit and the power of our attention so that together, we could create a 'better way for a better world' gives you some idea of the energy running throughout the event. Having been fully immersed for 3-days, we’re sure that Bath will be forever changed having hosted such a heartfelt, powerful and potent event.
As a founding partner of the World Council for Health (WCH), we express our huge gratitude to Dr Tess Lawrie, the WCH Steering Committee, the WCH team and the army of volunteers who worked so hard to make this such a successful and memorable event. It really does take a village…
WCH steering group member, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, from South Africa, reminded us all as she opened Conversation 1: Reclaiming Science Together, that “the power of the people is greater than the people in power”. Please let us never forget this in the days and weeks to come as we appear to be standing, yet again, at the brink of yet another wave of health tyranny.
" The power of the people is greater than the people in power." - Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, activist, journalist & mediation practitioner, steering committee member, World Council for Health
>>> View the list of speakers and hosts at this unique event.
A few highlights
Watch Rob Verkerk's presentation
Knowing that it would take a while for the official videos to surface, Meleni Aldridge took the opportunity offered by her front row seat to capture Rob's presentation on her iPhone. Please forgive the lack of professional sound quality, but at least you get to feel like you were there with us!
Rob Verkerk PhD (Conversation 7: Innovate, Integrate & Meditate):
The time for changing how we manage our health is NOW!
>>> You can still purchase on-demand passes here to join the conversations and watch almost 24-hours of videos from the conference.
Food for thought
"I really only have one point and you’re not going to like it. It can’t be done and I don’t mean there’s no way to get science back. We can’t reclaim it. What we’re gonna have to do is we have to rebuild it. The reason we’re going to have to rebuild it is because science is a very strange business and there aren’t enough people left in it who remember how it’s done." - Bret Weinstein, evolutionary biologist, Dark Horse podcaster & author, on Reclaiming Science Together (Conversation 1)
"We need less judgement. If you see someone who’s acting differently from you don’t attack them, don’t call them a name just realise they’re frightened, but just of something different from you." - Christian Buckland PhD, psychotherapist & counsellor, on Managing C19 Health Consequences (Conversation 2)
"Zinc is the bullet and the zinc ionophores are the guns, which are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Ivermectin is a 50-calibre machine gun, hydroxychloroquine is not quite up there and quercetin is a decent size handgun. You need to be getting the zinc into the cells with multiple ionophores and you need multiple drugs." - Dr Jackie Stone, Optimum Health Centre, Zimbabwe, on Managing C19 Health Consequences (Conversation 2)
"We’ve seen censorship on a scale that we’ve never seen before globally. We’re seeing loss of autonomy for our own medical choices and then we’re now seeing some early adoption of ways to decentralise information and finance. This ties into the two greatest battles that we face today that will shape personal liberties around the world for decades to come." - Dr James Todaro, free speech advocate, Medicine Uncensored, on Fostering Active Communities (Conversation 3)
"We live in a culture now where we no longer build to meet people’s needs. For the last 60/70 years we’ve learned how to make people want things that they don’t need and they keep having wants. We need to return to a place where we actually meet human needs. So if we’re going to design a new healthcare system and the beautiful thing I heard yesterday is the balance between an empathy for humanity and an economic opportunity. A healthcare system should be built on an empathy for human health and life.” - Dan Astin-Gregory, founder Elevate Media Group, on Fostering Active Communities (Conversation 3)
"For Africa and the regions of the third world, delivering primary care using technology is going to leave much of Africa and the third world out of the loop. I would be very careful, but this has always been the case. The first world always comes up with the solutions and imposes them. We have to be very careful how we use technology. Coming to BitCoin same problem. The solutions we come up with must be such that everybody is included in the discussion and we need to be very careful that we’re not moving into a world that provides solutions that creates the very thing we want to prevent and that’s separation." - Fahrie Hassan, molecular biologist, manager at the Alliance Global Group, on Fostering Active Communities (Conversation 3)
"There’s a pitfall of focusing on risks and benefits. It may be the case that the vaccines are extremely dangerous. The point is that hammering at that question, the dangers of a vaccine or the benefits of ivermectin all the time ignores the important issues of principle and changes the debate to the wrong place. We’ve got to stop talking about this stuff. Mandatory vaccination isn’t wrong because the vaccines are dangerous or they’re leaky, it’s wrong in principle. Banning ivermectin isn’t wrong because ivermectin works, it’s wrong because doctors should be able to choose what they prescribe to their patients. The trap illustrates what the problem is for this generation. They’ve gone to school where they’ve been taught the wrong values." - Nick Hudson, chairman of PANDA, on Fostering Active Communities (Conversation 3)
"I have a term – I call it cultivated insecurity. What it means is all of us almost no matter what we do are plugged into systems on which we’re dependent, which can be pulled out from under us. If you want more people to behave like Dr Kory, what you should do is figure out how to cultivate security for them so that when the rug gets pulled out from under them they do not suffer. If you do that you will find many more people are willing to stand up on the public’s behalf. It’s a really crucial point and if you make us more secure we can do more." - Bret Weinstein, evolutionary biologist, Dark Horse podcaster & author, on Reclaiming & Revolutionizing the Media (Conversation 4)
"We call it the mainstream media. They’ve got that history of trust. We have a chance to change. I say old media/new media. We’re making ourselves the underdog if we call ourselves alternative media." - Anna Brees, former ITV & BBC reporter, new media trainer, on Reclaiming & Revolutionizing the Media (Conversation 4)
"The hardest thing of all to see is what is really there. We’re existing in a blizzard of data now. The truth is out there and no matter what obfuscation and what attempts are made to hide it, smother it, it’s absolutely there and there are people who can see it." - Neil Oliver, GB News, Scottish TV presenter, archeologist & author, on Reclaiming & Revolutionizing the Media (Conversation 4)
"Word sound is power. We must reclaim our words. Try your best to reclaim the words that are being used and reclaim your own words. Affirm a culture of winning within yourself. This is a metaphysical war. We are free, sovereign beings. We are born free." - Ras Menzi Maseko, knowledge officer Green Ankh Works, co-founder Institute of Afrikology, director Transformative Health Justice, co-founder Ikhambi Natural Healing, on Health, Environment & Sovereignty (Conversation 6)
"Nature is our model, Nature is our measure, Nature is our mentor." - Jeremy Birnstingl PhD, specialist in contaminated land and water clean up, chartered environmentalist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, on on Health, Environment & Sovereignty (Conversation 6)
"The more you focus on others the happier you will be. Laughter is the best medicine. It makes nitric oxide in your body which is antimicrobial!" - Dr Ryan Cole, founder Cole Diagnostics, host of Conversation 7, Innovate, Integrate & Meditate
A poem by Dr Marc Cohen
The Recipe for Wellness
Bathe in beautiful water
Prepare delicious food
Make the most of every breath
Dance through every mood
Tend the soil beneath your feet
Embrace the sunshine from above
Share your fits with all the world
Fill your life with love.
Marc is a medical doctor, university professor, author, poet, entrepreneur, wellness trailblazer and perpetual student of life!
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Proudly affiliated with: Enough Movement Coalition partner of: World Council for Health
your voice counts
26 May 2022 at 6:12 am
Wow, beautiful.
This month, for me, has felt the bleakest of the last 2 years… the pause has allowed it to fully sink in and a huge anger has set in towards the ordinary people that have defended this crime. Those that still continue to do so even in light of the govt socialising proving there was no real threat to ordinary people - those that locked away loved ones to die alone under false pretences, yet feel no anger at the inhumane actions they were coerced into.
To see these beautiful people at the conference and hear their messages is helping to soften my anger.
Thank you Rob, your team, and Tess and all that contributed to this fantastic event.
26 May 2022 at 2:38 pm
Hi all, the digital treaty envisaged by the W H O, would enslave us all , nobody in their right mind should consider letting this, corrupt,unaccountable bunch of misfits, be in charge of anything. they have failed the people, and shown us where their true loyalty lies ,with the new world order, and big pharma. They are not fit for purpose. We need to start again ,from the ground up, sideline,and ignore these institutions, and start anew, so say no to the digital treaty ,say no to the WHO say no to big pharma, and start again,
Your voice counts
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