An article that our founder, Rob Verkerk, published today comments on a report just released by San Francisco-based think tank RethinkX. It suggests that traditional livestock and dairy farming will collapse in around a decade. The trigger, the report proposes, will be cell-based agriculture that relies on taking stem cells from animals and growing them in labs rather than on farms.
Rob thought it might therefore be helpful to talk to a farmer, one that has long been passionate about the relationship between nature, food and health. Durwin Banks from the Linseed Farm in Sussex was the man he chose to talk to, and extracts from the interview are found in our video below.
your voice counts
Brian Steere
26 September 2019 at 2:10 pm
The corporate capture of Science cannot be underestimated in its subversion as a technologism of weaponising and marketising private top down agenda - masking as a global 'Good' - or global necessity for surviving extinction.
That such statements can be allowed into our mind is of course because such fear is already within us and is being 'farmed'.
Brexit the psyop?
How much political theatre is working diversion while armies of lawyers institute secretly drafted 'deals' into power of law by a bought or emasculated political establishment?
Leaving the regulatory constraints of the EU can indeed be an opportunity to RE-Vision a qualitative alignment with biodiversity from the soil, and our guts up. I would not WAIT on it but start now - and make it the purpose of our now to hold a qualitative discernment as the context of any quantitative outcomes.
To live and share in the primary qualities of life may seem an austerity - but is is free willingly integrative to finding more with or through less which is not a contraction or retarding but awakening focus in the true balance points instead of reactive identities seeking fantasy gratification in ever more divisive and dissociated social fragmentation - of dependency and control.
That the 'mainstream Media' is NOT on board with anything BUT the conforming compliance with a State-Corp driven narrative ought to be obvious. But clearly it not only isn't, but remains as effective a framing and directing of thought and behaviour as in Germany in the 30's.
“No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”
Alan Bullock ~ (Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives)
Once a narrative is 'embedded' it becomes 'self-sustaining' for the fear of penalty rising from not being seen to conform is that of being rejected out of hand - regardless distinguished career or nobel prizes - regardless of self-honesty giving witness as an unwillingness to sacrifice unto the sustainability of a lie passing off for true - that then wreaks destruction from within our own thought.
Your voice counts
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