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After the intensity of the past couple of years, we just couldn't let ANH's 20th anniversary pass by without some kind of gathering to celebrate the entity itself, human life, and of course, the growing band of people who are part of the natural health movement.
It was with great joy that close friends and colleagues who've marked ANH's path through the past 20 years joined us at our Chilworth base on Sunday 12th June for a small gathering to reconnect and raise a glass or two to the remarkable journey ANH has had since its inception in 2002.
Thank you
We couldn’t have created the day we did without some serious support and a full shining effort from the ANH team and our families.
Rob’s daughters, Anneke and Leila, sous chef’d themselves inside out alongside Rob (also executive head chef!) on the day before, and Mel’s nephews, Nathan and Adam, did a great job keeping the bar and the traffic flowing. Special thanks to Melissa who managed to raid the stocks of tables and benches from her Scout Hall in the midst of making copious quantities of salads and helping Mel keep mind, body and soul together (not always an easy task...) on the organisation front. Marta, who juggled her media assignments with finding wild stands of bamboo along with set-up and salad-making time. Mel’s sister, Michelle Hallworth, who moved seamlessly between sous pastry chef (the desserts were Mel's culinary contribution) and creator of the beautiful display in the marquee and floral decorations. Michelle's husband, Warren, who lent us his skills, honed as a rugby dad, in sorting out the car parking and overseeing his son, Nathan, in the bar. Thank you also to all of you who pitched in and lent a hand on the day. And sent your intentions out for a sunny day!
We couldn’t have done it without such an amazing team effort and help from so many of our guests too – from setting-up, to heavy lifting to keeping the generators running!
However, our most special thanks must go to Rob Verkerk, who decided two decades ago to leave his academic position and pursue his vision to help make 'natural health' the central plank of human health and care. Rob's total commitment, unwavering dynamism and passion have helped an ever larger number of people to appreciate the vital interconnection between human beings and our natural environment. Equally, more and more have appreciated that we ignore this fact at our peril. Not only that, none of us would be here in the ANH team, merging our missions with all of yours, without that vision. A reflection of Rob's leadership, expertise and strategic approach that have allowed us to stay the course is that we have never had to U-turn on anything we've published in 20 years. He's really one of a kind, and we're so lucky to be a part of his vision and creation. Thank you Rob.
So here's to the next 20 years. We have giant aspirations (nothing less than peace, health and abundance for people and planet) and plans (watch out for more soon on ANH's new Health Creation Faculty). We so look forward to partnering with you on this incredible journey.
From our hearts to yours, thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey.
Just sharing...
Following is a short video to share a flavour of the celebrations for ANH's 20th...
your voice counts
24 June 2022 at 4:54 pm
How amazing! So very glad you celebrated YOURSELVES in style.
Congratulations on your 20 years of love, care and commitment to this planet and its people! So much gratitude 🙏🎉🌈🌷💫🙏❤️💜
24 June 2022 at 5:46 pm
Thanks so much for your good wishes and support Helen x
Your voice counts
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