Content Sections
In Brief (click on the links to read more)
- Tribute to Arthur Firstenberg
- Antidepressants accelerate cognitive decline in dementia sufferers
- Are younger women experiencing peri-menopause?
- Neil Ferguson meddling with stats again - this time it's avian flu
- Open letter from Japan opposes European deregulation of NGTs
- How many different names are there to disguise genetic modification?
- Low-carb diet links to cancer development?
- Even a short-time eating junk food changes insulin response
- Life expectancy across Europe and UK drops sharply
- Did Merck overegg the need for HPV vaccine?
- ANH-USA Update
Natural News
- Author, environmentalist, and activist, Arthur Firstenberg, who dedicated his life to protecting environmental health, died recently leaving a huge gap in the lives of all who knew him. A Cornell graduate, he studied medicine but was forced to leave after experiencing electromagnetic hypersensitivity. This led to his lifelong advocacy on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. He founded the Cellular Phone Task Force and authored ‘The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’ that explores the historical and scientific connections between electricity and disease. His final book, ‘The Earth and I’, was published shortly before his passing. Children’s Health Defense celebrate his life and work
- Taking antidepressants accelerates cognitive decline in dementia patients according to a study published in BMC Medicine by Danish researchers. The researchers investigated multiple SSRI medications finding that some caused quicker decline than others, but all were associated with increased cognitive decline, prompting the researchers to declare it would help doctors choose the least harmful drug to prescribe. Once again the use of dietary and lifestyle changes were overlooked as the researchers searched instead for ways to protect pharma profits
- Are women experiencing peri-menopause symptoms at ever earlier ages? Researchers publishing in npj Women’s Health have linked physical and emotional symptoms in women under the age of 40, which are commonly associated with peri-menopause, to self-reported symptoms based on the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). However, the researchers haven’t considered other causes of such issues, that could be easily rectified by focusing on diet and lifestyle changes, rather than unnecessary medication
- Neil Ferguson, mathematical epidemiologist from Imperial College London—remember him from the covid crisis?—has stepped in once again to stir up the avian flu situation in the US. This time with a new preprint study modelling the spread of avian flu in dairy cows. The report persists the fearmongering around the spread of avian flu, as it warns of the risk to humans, recommending 'increased measures' to prevent further spread of the virus. Another lockdown? New vaccines perhaps?
- The Consumers Union of Japan has penned an open letter to the European Commission and European governments, opposing the deregulation of plants (and animals) created using ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in order to protect food safety and the environment from the unintended consequences of the release of untested GM organisms into the environment
- Just as we thought we’d learned all the euphemisms for the new generation of GM techniques – the EU has opted for “new breeding techniques” and “new genomic techniques”, whereas the UK favours “precision breeding techniques”, although it's now moving towards the term, "engineering biology". In Italy, these new GM techniques have been dubbed “technologies for assisted evolution” or “assisted evolution techniques", as biotech companies seek to make the manipulation of plants and animals more palatable, and less transparent, to consumers
- Low-carbohydrate diets have ostensibly been linked to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer by a new mouse study published in Nature Microbiology. In this instance, the low-carb diet used by researchers contained little to no soluble fibre, which resulted in the thinning of the gut mucosa. However, when the researchers added the soluble fibre back in, the cancer risk reduced. There’s a plethora of science showing that if we don’t eat enough fibre, we alter our microbiome for the worse—some of our gut bacteria can starve and die while others grow stronger by feasting on the mucus lining of the gut. It's so important to include a wide-range and diversity of plant foods in your diet, but please don't ditch your lo-carb living on the back of this mouse study.
>>> Putting the fibre back into low carb
>>> ANH Feature: Eat a Rainbow for gut’s sake!
- Just five days spent eating a junk food diet can result in alterations to the brain’s sensitivity to insulin, which in turn can impair appetite regulation. Researchers, publishing in Nature Metabolism, found that even in healthy individuals, short-term unhealthy eating altered brain function, mimicking effects seen in obese individuals
- A recent study, published in The Lancet Public Health journal, reveals that life expectancy growth across Europe has slowed since 2011, with England experiencing the sharpest decline. NHS England’s director of public health commented that the study reinforces the need for robust prevention strategies. The type of prevention strategies referred to focus on diagnosing disease markers ever earlier to enable treatment to start earlier, rather than working with our metabolic systems to make them more resilient, thus reducing the potential for the development of chronic disease in the first place.
>>> Find out how the entire world’s approach to health & care could be made both resilient and sustainable for now and the future
- Type 'HPV vaccine' into Google and you’ll be inundated with information promoting the vaccine’s use. However, is the hype all it’s cracked up to be? As a landmark trial against Merck in the US, is rescheduled, new evidence from molecular diagnostics expert, Dr Sing Hang Lee, has come to light suggesting Merck may have deliberately misrepresented the case for mass vaccination. Maryanne Demasi has the full story
ANH-USA Update
- US authorities have unveiled their national One Health Framework, which would see the centralisation of public health decisions. Such a move mirrors the covid-19 playbook, setting the stage for ever greater government control and mandated health policies designed to reduce free choice and medical autonomy. Read more and take action to oppose the One Health Framework…
- A new article from long-time supporter of ANH, Bill Falloon, founder of Life Extension, discusses the very real need for food supplements as he ‘fact checks’ those who maintain we can get all the nutrients we need for good health from our diet. Check out the full article here.
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