In Brief (click on the links to read more)

Natural News

  • A historic ruling limiting the powers of US federal agencies to rule on obscure legislation during court actions, is being challenged by the introduction of new legislation by 11 Senators. The proposed legislation would effectively reverse the Supreme Court decision, ruling against Chevron deference and give unaccountable federal agencies the legal ‘right’ to, once again, overrule judges in court proceedings
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in animals is becoming an increasing issue. A new paper published in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology warns of dire consequences for Southeast Asian countries if AMR isn’t tackled through the ‘One Health’ approach advocated by the World Health Organization. What the authors don’t discuss though is that AMR can be resolved through the use of regenerative and agroecological farming techniques, which work in synergy with the environment
  • A landmark new report from the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) on fluoride neurotoxicity, has confirmed what is already evident in published science, that fluoride lowers IQ in children and has the same toxicity as lead
  • Calls are being made for a new systematic review, from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) EMF project, to be retracted. The review, investigating the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on oxidative stress initially identified 11,599 studies. Of those, 11,543 were junked as not relevant to the review. Joel Moskowitz of the UC Berkley School of Public Health said the review “systematically excluded most of the relevant research". Microwave News has the full story
  • Could Manuka honey provide a natural, less toxic, alternative to chemotherapy for breast cancer sufferers in future? According to a new mouse study published in Nutrients it could. The researchers found that not only did the manuka honey reduce tumour growth but the more honey that was consumed, the more cancer cell growth reduced. The best bit was that non-cancerous cells remained healthy and undamaged by the honey. Leading integrative oncology charity, Yes to Life's, founder and chairman, Robin Daly, commented that the research was ‘extremely heartening’ and comes as part of an increasing move toward a more natural approach to tackling cancer.

>>> Rob Verkerk PhD will be speaking at the upcoming Yes to Life Conference ‘Pushing Boundaries’ in September

  • Over half of all baby foods sold in the US don’t meet international nutritional standards. Researchers publishing in Nutrients examined 651 products and compared them to guidelines set by the World Health Organization, as the US hasn’t set guidelines for baby foods. The use of slick marketing on packaging was revealed as 99% of the products checked were found to contain at least 1 unauthorised claim. With childhood obesity now classed as one of the most serious health challenges of the 21st century, it’s beyond time to put our children’s diets front and centre to futureproof their health and wellbeing.

>>> Disease-proof your kids with the ANH Food4Kids guidelines

>>> RESET EATING will help you to establish good eating habits for your kids from an early age

  • Eating meat is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. That’s the conclusion of researchers publishing in The Lancet. However, dig into the paper and you'll find many confounders such as the inclusion of the carbs often eaten alongside meat products and the lumping together of unprocessed and processed meat. Even the researchers aren’t that sure of their conclusion as they admit the underlying mechanisms between eating meat and the development of T2D “…are not fully established” Zoë Harcombe neatly dissects the study concluding “Don’t blame the meat for what the bread did”.

>>> Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

ANH-USA update

  • A recent study, released hot on the heels of the introduction of anti-supplement legislation in the US, raises concerns about liver damage from botanical supplements. The authors argue supplements in the US should face stricter regulation, similar to that for pharmaceuticals. However, the authors of the study, some of whom have connections to pharma companies, fail to show how the botanicals mentioned cause liver damage. The ANH-USA team rebut the study and put out a call to action to protect access to supplements in the US!
  • In a new tactic to gain acceptance for their products, companies producing lab-grown meat are reframing the debate over lab-grown meat as a fight for consumer choice. However, it’s also acting as a distraction from the main issue of the safety for human consumption of new-to-nature foods, that are not bioequivalent to meat from animals. Read more and write to the FDA and your representative to tell them more testing of such ‘foods’ is urgently needed.

Covid Update

  • A call for the Australian Government to establish a Covid Commission of Inquiry has been defeated. Rebekah Barnett dives into the issue
  • Brazil has started building a level 4 biolab to study some of the world's deadliest viruses. It seems the lessons of covid are still to be learned...
  • In a huge win for freedom of speech, legal standing has been granted to Robert F Kennedy Jr and the Children's Health Defense to sue the Biden administration for their role in pressuring social media platforms to censor online information deemed to be dis- and misinformation
  • CEO of social media giant Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, has sent a letter to the US House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, admitting, what many already know, that the Biden Administration was wrong to demand that Facebook censor so called ‘misinformation’ during the covid years. He also said the company should have been more outspoken and pushed back against the demands.

>>> Landmark US lawsuit exposes US government coercion of Big Social

  • The recent unrest in the UK following the deaths of three young girls, has led to a frightening escalation of censorship of online information via a crackdown on people posting on social media. People arrested and charged include a man in Pakistan and two British men who’ve been jailed. Even US citizens have been threatened with extradition by the UK authorities over online posts as the rhetoric ramps up to scare people into self-censoring their online content
  • A new paper published in Medicina, confirms a batch-dependent safety signal for the Pfizer mRNA covid shots used in Denmark, and finds that shots used during the early part of the ‘vaccine’ rollout in Sweden, were also affected
  • New Zealand lawyer, Kirsten Murfitt, has launched a Citizens Initiated Referendum calling for New Zealand’s relationship with the WHO to be terminated. The referendum wording has been agreed and accepted by the government. Kirsten is calling for volunteers to help with the launch and getting the word out about the petition. Nearly 370,000 signatures need to gathered within a 12-month timeframe. Find out how you can volunteer to support the success of the referendum.


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