In Brief (click on the links to read more)

Natural News

  • There are opposing theories about the cause(s) of obesity. A recent private workshop in Copenhagen, brought leading researchers into the pathogenesis of obesity together to explore competing theories, including the most widely held belief that the amount you eat (calories in/out) – called the energy balance model (EBM) – along with the theory that it’s what we eat and what our bodies do with it that counts – known as the carbohydrate-insulin model (CIM). A new paper published in Nature compares EBM and CIM, in the first of what’s hoped to be many more papers, on the complex and still contested, causes of obesity
  • The growing menace of microplastics is brought into sharp relief through a new preprint paper, which details particularly high levels of microplastics in samples of brain tissue. Researchers examined liver, kidney and brain tissue samples finding the brain sample contained, on average, 10 to 20 times more microplastics than the other organ tissue examined. The research also found that the new samples contained around 50% more microplastics than samples examined in 2016.

>>> The scourge of microplastics

  • Following the filing of a citizen petition last year in collaboration with ANH-USA laying the groundwork for a legal challenge, US-based organisation, The Natural Products Association (NPA), has filed a lawsuit against the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) challenging its decision to ban nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) as a dietary supplement. The move comes after the FDA continued to drag its feet over the issue given the revolving door with pharma, who are very keen to profit from NMN sales.

>>> Find out more about the FDA’s ongoing ransack of nature and NMN Attack and what you can do to stop drug companies from stealing natural compounds

  • African faith leaders from the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) are calling for reparations from the funders of the African Green Revolution, including the Gates Foundation, for the damage caused to African food systems, along with an acknowledgement that the interventions foisted on them have failed. An Open Letter shared at a recent press conference has been endorsed by hundreds of civil societies and farmer’s groups. Click here to sign the letter and support the promotion of, and investment in, traditional and agroecological farming systems in Africa
  • The UK government has invested £15 million in the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC), to 'guide' (think nudge techniques and slick marketing) the acceptance of ‘alternative’ proteins such as insects, lab-grown meat, and proteins made from algae and microbes (cultivated and fermentation-made foods), are the way to go to meet future protein requirements, as the demonisation of meat continues. The Good Food Institute Europe estimates the UK government has now invested more than £91 million in the ongoing development of alternative proteins.

>>> Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

>>> The Illusion of Choice: Why Won’t They Tell Us the Truth About Lab-Grown Meat?

  • Leading opponent of genetic editing of crops and animals, Prof Michael Antoniou, shares his thoughts on the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) support for the European Commission’s proposal to deregulate plants created using ‘new genomic techniques (NGTs), which once again promise to save the world from disaster and humanity from starvation, despite little to no data to support such claims
  • Farmer organisations in India are demanding a national biosafety protection policy on GM Crops to prevent the continued incursion of such organisms. The call comes following the National Conclave of farmer leaders as they seek to ban the use of GM technologies due to the harms already experienced by their introduction
  • Through our work with other natural health groups, organisations and practitioners, we have been made aware of a surge in ‘sceptic’ led attacks on UK- based natural health practitioners registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) regarding content on their websites. Starting with direct complaints to the CNHC, the campaign, led by The Good Thinking Society, is now sending complaints direct to practitioners. The complaints initially centred around the provisions of the Cancer Act 1939, specifically targeting reflexologists and teachers of the Alexander Technique, but the scope of the ‘investigations’, seemingly powered by AI systems, has expanded to include Reiki and nutritional practitioners amongst others.

ANH-USA update

  • ANH General Counsel, Jonathan Emord Esq, continues to earn his title of FDA Dragonslayer with yet another win (his 13th!) against regulatory overreach in the US. After the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to exempt novel sugar alternative, Tagatose, from added sugar labeling, the manufacturer Bonumose sued the FDA. On the 28th August the Court made its ruling in Bonumose's favour adding another notch to the Dragonslayer's belt. Commenting on the case, Emord said, "Judge Randolph Moss of the US District Court for the District of Columbia did the nation a great service by holding arbitrary and capricious an anti-competitive ruling by the FDA", and, "Judge Moss's decision paves the way for this product which, in turn, holds out the promise of saving thousands of lives of diabetics and people who suffer from heart disease and obesity". Donate to support future legal challenges
  • The US government is trying to fund the use of anti-obesity, ‘skinny jabs’, such as Ozempic, through Medicare, to the tune of $3 trillion, as it tries to tackle the obesity epidemic afflicting Americans. Such a move conveniently ignores the use of dietary and lifestyle interventions that would tackle the root of the problem, instead opening the door to lifelong medication, the profits of which will ultimately end up in pharma’s coffers. Write to Congress to oppose Bill HR 4818
  • ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, and ANH-USA’s new General Counsel, recently sat down to discuss the many threats to our health freedom and ability to choose natural health options. Watch the exclusive discussion (for those with less time dip into a range of short clips) as they demonstrate why everything ANH does is driven by its ‘Good Science and Good Law’ mission.

Covid Update

  • As part of ongoing attempts to suppress free speech, Brazilian Supreme court judge, Alexandre de Moraes, has banned social media platform X in Brazil as X resists secret orders to censor accounts. Any Brazilians found accessing X via a VPN or other method potentially face fines of $8,000 a day. Brazil’s recent actions are indicative of a wider global movement to severely limit freedom of speech, as evidenced by the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov’s, arrest in France recently
  • Novavax is offering parents up to $3,000 plus a stuffed toy animal to enrol their babies and children into its covid vaccine, phase 2/3 ‘Hummingbird’ study, in order to get its vaccine approved for use in children under the age of 12. As part of the trial children will be given between 3 and 5 shots. The trial is going ahead even though children are rarely affected by covid. The Defender has more

>>> Kids aren’t superspreaders, and they may even be superbarriers – to covid

  • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again approved updated covid shots without clinical trial evidence to back their safety or efficacy, using emergency use legislation, even though the covid ‘pandemic’ has long been declared over
  • A key enquiry in Australia into excess deaths has failed to consider 70% of the evidence submitted for its consideration. The Excess Mortality Inquiry committee doesn’t appear to have considered any impact from covid shots, concluding that covid is the key driver of excess mortality in Australia in recent years, both ‘directly and indirectly'. Rebekah Barnett has the full story.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis