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This week's Natural News

  • Just a few weeks ago, US CBD advocates were celebrating the defeat of Bill AB 2223, which would have banned THC containing products. In, what could be an indication of wider policy changes in regard to CBD products, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has announced the introduction of emergency regulations to ban THC in food, beverage and dietary supplement products under the banner of protecting children from such products. The US Hemp Roundtable has announced it will be fighting back against the emergency regulations
  • Cannabigerol (CBG), often referred to as ‘the mother of all cannbinoids’, is becoming increasingly popular with companies seeking to patent individual cannabinoids for medical use. A new double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over field trial funded by medical cannabis company, CReDO Science, has found CBG is effective in reducing levels of anxiety and stress and may also enhance memory. Prior research revealed many users of CBG found it more effective than anti-depressants
  • As US state-level regulators continue to turn the screws on CBD products containing trace amounts of THC, major companies in the sector are reporting a reduction in sales of natural CBD products. The reduction has also been attributed in part, to pressure from unregulated synthetic products.

>>> ANH-Intl Special Report: Is safety the new gremlin for CBD regulation?

  • The pressure to prescribe weight-loss jabs to young children (aged 6-12 years), has increased following publication of a trial in the New England Journal of Medicine testing Novo Nordisk’s Saxenda jab. Children using the jab alongside lifestyle interventions lost more weight than those that didn’t, however as soon as the jabs were stopped their weight increased once again. Children receiving the jab also experienced a high level of adverse reactions. The study raises serious questions over the use of such interventions in children and the impact on their future health.

>>> Just how healthy is the skinny jab 'movement'?

>>> Reset Eating gives you the tools to protect against chronic disease now and into the future

  • Media headlines are screaming that mobile phones don’t cause cancer. The trigger for such headlines is the publication of a review of over 60 studies, commissioned by the World Health Organization and published in Environment International. The lead author of the study suggested in an article in The Conversation, that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) may now need to review its assessment that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic to humans. However, the researchers carefully excluded data of realistic cell phone usage casting significant doubt on the study’s conclusions. Joel Moskowitz PhD reviews the new paper comparing it to his 2020 systematic review, which found evidence linking cell phone use to increased cancer risk. He also accuses the authors of the new review of extreme bias and links to the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which continues to maintain that mobile technologies are safe in support of Big Tech agendas. Microwave News take a deeper dive into the new paper and explores why its conclusions are erroneous
  • Bats are are really the unsung heroes of the agricultural world as they are very effective natural insect predators and reduce the need for farmers to spray crops with pesticides. However, rapidly declining bat populations in the US, largely due to a fungal disease known as white nose syndrome, have been linked to an increase in pesticide use by farmers along with an 8% increase in infant deaths. A study published in Science, found that where bat populations declined pesticide use by farmers increased by approx 31%. When pesticide use increased so did infant mortality. The study, unsurprisingly also found that bats are a far more effective natural pest control than chemical controls
  • The government of Brazil’s authorisation of the release of nine varieties of genetically engineered eucalyptus trees for commercial production has triggered the publication of an Open Letter from Stop GE Trees, calling on the President of Columbia as Host of the Convention on Biological Diversity COP16 in October 2024, to prevent the release. Find out more and sign the Open Letter
  • In response to a recent letter from industry supportive scientists pushing the UK Government to urgently implement the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023, the new Defra minister has replied to the authors with what’s being deemed as a positive response. This suggests that the new Government is pro gene editing and will push the legislation through without any safety checks and balances.

ANH-USA update

  • Following the overturning of the Chevron doctrine by the US Supreme Court, Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced a new bill (SB 4749) that would hand power to rule on court proceedings back to federal agencies. If passed, the bill would give permanent authority to federal agencies to rule on unclear or ambiguous areas of the law. Oppose the Chevron Bill!
  • ANH’s General Counsel, Johnathan Emord aka the “FDA Dragon Slayer”, has added another FDA notch to his belt as he wins his 13th lawsuit against the US Food & Drugs Administration. In this instance he took the FDA to task over its decision to classify low cal sugar alternative, tagatose, as regular sugar on food labels. His victory is a big win for consumer health and regulatory transparency. Find out more about the case and how to donate to support further legal actions against over zealous, industry captured regulators.

Covid Update

  • US Senator, Ron Johnson, has asked two US federal health agencies to review data from the Czech Republic on covid mortality rates, which shows an increased mortality rate, compared to Pfizer shots, attributed to the Moderna mRNA covid shot. He’s asked if the agencies are certain that the Moderna and Pfizer covid shots are equally safe and what that opinion is based on. The Daily Signal has the full story
  • Wouter Aukema lays a serious allegation at the feet of the Dutch government. Namely that the government is double-bookkeeping covid vaccination records and sharing data with researchers studying excess mortality, where records of those who died or moved abroad have been removed
  • Mpox (monkeypox) is now being used as a stick to beat countries into submission to approve the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Agreement plans
  • New pandemic related legislation (Bill C-293) is making its way through the Canadian parliament, which if passed, would give the government the power to regulate animal farming to reduce pandemic risk and promote alternative proteins. It would also give the government licence to enforce contact tracing. Lifesite News has more on the dangers of the proposed legislation
  • The Speaker of the UK House of Commons is calling for anti-misinformation laws, that would essentially amount to a ‘Global Ministries of Truth’, as they would cover both the UK and other countries. During an interview aired on Radio 5 Live, he also acknowledged governments' role in censoring online ‘misinformation as he called for the ‘good old days’ when governments could demand posts be removed by social media companies. Reclaim the Net has more
  • The Australian government is planning to ban under 16s from using social media rather than educating children on the safe use of social media. Using the handle of 'protecting children' this will also enable the government to push forward with the introduction of age verification and digital IDs.

>>> Beyond digital addiction: how technologies are transforming our youths into obedient machines

  • Calls for the protection of children from social media are also made in a new paper published in The Lancet Public Health, which argues that childrens' use of digital devices and online communities is an important determinant of their health and that public health interventions are needed to protect them from digital harms
  • Another new paper, published in the preprint server arXiv, authored by Microsoft, OpenAI, multiple universities and others, proposes the use of ‘personhood credentials’ (PHCs), a form of digital ID to identify content created by ‘real’ people and content created by AI systems
  • In New York, the office of the Attorney General has created a guide to identifying and reporting AI misinformation to the authorities as the global crackdown on ‘misinformation’ continues.


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